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Everything posted by Wattsy

  1. haven't got a scoobies mate would you take £190 posted? how old is it?
  2. as above guys a hardly used grallocher knife from top knife maker bernie garland, 90x3mm blade 110mm handle made of brown box elder burl with mosaic pins. not got a picture of the actual knife (yet) but its very similar to the rightmost knife on the top row of pics here http://berniegarland...talking-knives. the knife's been sharpened a couple of times but never used in earnest worth 150 quid new i'm looking for around 100 or very near offer price includes a leather sheath and RMSD cheers matt p.s lost the data cable for my phone so i can't post pics but if you pm me your mobile num
  3. looks a bit like a milk cap to me bruise the gills and if a white latex stuff comes out its a milk cap
  4. its not a piglet ok sorry well done for killing a pig four times the size of a rabbit :icon_eek: thanks mate tastes nicer than the big ones, same as eating lamb instead of mutton far from it actually get your facts right why lambs are killed about 9 months old not 2 months like that piglet when you slip a dog on a few deer/boars they will always take the weekest one which is usally a youngster, its easy to slag people off on the net , but you know what its like when lamping you cant see in the conditions sometimes, far away is hard to judge . weve all killed some qu
  5. i don't have a problem with organised religion whilst not beleiving in it myself although i do think that people who believe in god have mental issues. its like having an invisible friend when your a kid that you talk to and then if you get in trouble you can blame the invisible friend. only some of the people who have this invisible friend are heads of state. i also find it intresting that if you talk to god its called praying but if he talks back you get put in the loony bin
  6. hi mate i've got a HW90 in .22 with scope if you're interested? pics and details are here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/166447-hw90-22-with-scope/ i tried sending you a message but it said you can't receive any don't know if your inbox is full or something cheers matt
  7. as above guys hw90 in .22 with a tasco 2.5-10 x 40? scope its in pretty good nick few specks of rust on the metalwork and a couple of dings on the stock but it shoots really well. i'd like £200 for it but will consider offers or a part exchange for the right pcp in .22 cheers matt
  8. matt or wattsy's fine lol
  9. hi been wanting to get into ferreting for a while now but i haven't got the foggiest of how to start out. just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a decent book to help me with the basics i've already got simon whiteheads one just waiting on delivery and wondering if there's any more. cheers, matt
  10. hi guys browsing the net and found this site . i've been hunting for a while mainly airguns but occasionally using my mates shotgun. after getting my SGC whenever i can afford the set up. cheers, matt
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