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Everything posted by ferretertom

  1. Is it going out of season it could have been mated.
  2. f**k me thats bad, good of you for catching it. Doesnt look that thin never seen an abcess on the belly before.
  3. Right i have 3 lots of poultry the bottom pen i caught them all up and it apears they have lice! I allready had some gold lable lice repelant powder which i aplyed yesterday its seems to have reduced the numbers a little but still some there so i reaplyed it. Anybody got and recomendations with something that will keep them away on a longterm basis? Mean while i sprayed the coop with jeyes fluid.
  4. If your wanting to produce albino ferrets from a white jill and a polecat hob you should get some white kitts or maby all of them will be albino.
  5. Could be foot mange/mites check the feet to make sure theres only clean skin no small black mites this is a right f****r to cure.
  6. Some ferrets dont like being with others. My entire hobs are kept individualy at this time of year. All the jills that get on are in groups of threes ect. As long as they get plenty of human interaction and attention they dont always require other ferret company.
  7. Get the all castrated/neutered and this should reduce the smell 90% as said wood shaveings and shredded paper changed weekly should help the hutch smell more pleasant than it would otherwise aswell as cleaning the muck corners out daily if not allready.
  8. I think its just a worse year for ferret kits my mates have had the same problems and i had 1 kit off one jill whitch droped dead for no apparant reason i think someone i know lost about 25 kits only 3 liveing from about 4 jills. Someone else put it down to the weather.
  9. If you to tight like i am to buy the ferretone for about £8 a bottle ive been told that olive oil does the same job obviously dont keep giveing it them for no reason, just put it on your hands for them to lick off. Another thing you can do is rub you hands in ginger-they dont like the taste.
  10. Try smashing up some tinned cat meat and put them all around it.
  11. I must say i agree with you there id of thought the more someone would pay the more likely they would take care of it. Rather that something they pay a few quid for.
  12. Good luck mate i have tryed the same after a keeper but im on a farm now. All the best hope you succseed.
  13. Well i mean justr your adverage bantams the peachy coloured hens and the black/white cocks duck wing?.
  14. Well they look beutys nice but if there timid like the one i had and bite and unable to do a days work then id advise anyone starting out to go for a few adverage ferret kits.
  15. Could someone tell me the going rate for a trio or a pair of old english bantams? Cheers.
  16. Im not sure but i think its known as partridge. Very nice though.
  17. They may be dark but are they 100% pure FERRETS?
  18. Anything i can get my hands on but its good to feed dry in hot weather so theres less flys attracted.
  19. Id f****n kick there heads in if i caught any cun1 after any of my stuff. Hope you find out who has done such a pathetic thing and give them a beating. Oxeygen theives!
  20. Cant see the point in killing a good healthy ferret myself surely it would be just as easy to give it a 2nd chance give it to a ferret rescue or put it up free to a good home i thought those days when ferreters did things like that were over. In my experiance every ferret works just to what degree. Some take to it easyer than others it takes patience. Just because someone keeps a ferret as a pet maby in the house doesnt make them bad owners. To be quite honest ive see pet ferret living in huge ferret courts with tubes and everything a ferret could want. On the other hand ive see old ferret
  21. Could be to many eggs but i doubt it it sounds more like mites/mange but you wont realy know until they have finished growing all the kit fur.
  22. Im not bothered aslong as their looked after and happy ferrets.
  23. £5 its more like £50 round here.
  24. Thanks again for the birds.
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