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Everything posted by ferretertom

  1. If you pushed to find a v hob im the next county with one.
  2. You can keep 2 hobs together fine if there from the same litter.
  3. Run it through tubes put them in the cage if you havent allready.
  4. They have there own woodern flight outside. Brought them in may i think. Cheers tom.
  5. Any tips on breeding these there showing all the signs made a nest but wont lay.
  6. Well these bloody things breed like flies but can anyone tell me what age i can seperate from the adults?
  7. I dunno why your even thinking of breeding there only kits.
  8. Right lads cheers for the advice i brought some ivomec pour on its just how much to apply i need to know also am i ok to put a spot on some of the ferrets and the dog if so how much can i put on a whippet?
  9. I have a small type silver hob and a dark polecat ferret for stud And a vasectomised for nothing aswell i wouldnt mind a kit from a litter though all have worked and won shows and good breeding in them to.
  10. Depends on the colour realy a friend of mine paid £3 for a white jill and sold the thing for £60! Theres far to many being bred to make serious money but on advarage there between £15-£30 here.
  11. The same happened to my mates stupid at the vets when they redone it they stiched its bollock down! And expected £11 per ferret (4) that were in season to be jabbbed as obviously we counldnt use the hob for 6 weeks or so.
  12. It would be cheeper to get your hob vasectomised mate i paid £41 for that for a jill to be spayed its probly double that im sure someone else will let you borrow a dog ferret to bred with.
  13. There can be genetic problems whith the silvers/blackeyed. I have had them die due to this both at a year. Howether this is rare i have a dew jill similar to yours which is nice.
  14. Well if they need trimming,they need trimming mostly from being kept on shaveings a slabbed rub wouldnt be a problem. Nice ferrets and hutch.
  15. From when you take her from the hob.
  16. Panacur cant remember what doseage but its the same as they use for dogs.
  17. They dont nessecarly die everytime they are just at a high risk of infection and aneamia i wouldnt risk that with my ferrets. They dont have to be bred but you can get a hormone injection from a vet or mate the jill to a hob ferret that been vasectomised or you could get it spayed. Or you could just take the risk.
  18. I leave some dummy eggs down.
  19. When you think there phisicly and mentaly ready useally 6 months or over.
  20. Not wishing to sound arrogant but if you dont know any of this stuff What age to sex the kits, How to do it. And it sounds like you didnt plan ahead by getting people in advance who want a kit. Sounds to me like you should of found all this out before you even considered breeding them.
  21. My dad was on about doing this do you know what its called?
  22. Never heard of that one and cant see it on his site. Is it not the mouching ways and hunting days vol2?
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