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Everything posted by ferretertom

  1. Will have to be idealy 8 weeks old mate get yourself a spare hutch incase they dont get on and remember to feed it soft food.
  2. Our canarys kept going light when they started having chicks this year about april time we put limestone on the avairy floor and wee have this coccidia stuff in there water.
  3. Thanks for that do you give the adults intradine when they moult or is it just the chicks that need it most.
  4. Yeah they do piss me off if i was to take it off (the ring) no doubt some would report mer for keeping a wild un.
  5. In that case we are going to need 13986 different names for all the shades of polecat. Polecats are black these are brown sandy colour. Surely they are sandy with black or dark markings which usually include a mask across the eyes? Polecats are not black all over - they display varying amounts of dark markings. This is a polecat ferret - http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/gallery/files/7/3/9/024.JPG I'd love to hear other folks opinion. Just out of interest? I didnt mean pure black i meant black nd white nd brown nd white.
  6. In that case we are going to need 13986 different names for all the shades of polecat. Polecats are black these are brown sandy colour.
  7. A cinnamon is a more oranger,rusty coloured version of a sandy ferret.
  8. Just found a goldfich hanging on a branch perch by its ring its hurt its leg aswell f*****g rings!
  9. At 500 each you could of got them jabbed? hope you find them decent homes.
  10. Does this stop them going light?
  11. Good luck just dont give her more that 1 egg a week as it can cause hair loss.
  12. Its common for them to come in season after having kits mine did 3 times in a year,sawdust can cause servere respiratory/breathing problems in ferrets woodshaveings are better.
  13. ok im a complete novice and what do you mean put eggs under.cant i just buy a few finches i like,then if they breed they breed.im guessing this is a complicated hobby. Well its all up to you realy dont plundge in at the deepend. With the eggs again up to you, basicly its the same as you do with chicken eggs you can swap them under a broody bird so the british will then lay about 4 more this would increase your numbers the canary will rear the chicks as her own. And when you buy any ritish birds make sure they have been ringed.
  14. Werll there not the easyest to start with but youl get out what you put in, they arent always the cheepest. You may find it may be worth keeping a few canary hens to put eggs under in spring when there on nests this way you can maximise you numbers off one pair of british birds but dont forget they have to be close rung.
  15. Last year i had a litter of eleven,five and eight i start them on solids fronm 3 weeks in order to keep the jill in good condition they eat tinned catfood from 3 weeks.
  16. Better idea dont breed it at all theres plenty unwanted about so whats the point in the hassle.
  17. Has your hob been vasectomised (still got balls) or castrated (no balls) if theyve mated it should take a week you will see them slowly go off season.
  18. My mate just brought one of these think it a cross but i call him a poof for getting one apparantly they cant always rear there own young.
  19. I think it must be cause they havent settled down yet bthe cocks 07 the hens 09 so hopefully theyl do better next season i put my norwich hen in with them the cocks interested in her.
  20. You dont wanna be useing sawdust or wood chippings its wood shaveings you want.
  21. In the winter i wont have 19 as i take them in nd rehome ect any i do still have il take out.
  22. I have 12 jills a v hob and 2 intact hobs 2 hob greyhound kits and 2 black hybrid jill kits.
  23. Cheers i was thinking how many weeks after they fledge the nest.
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