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Everything posted by ferretertom

  1. For a vasectomy he still has the bollox and the urge they just cut and stitch the tube, castration will reduce the smell but not be any use for useing on jills when in season as he will have no bollox.
  2. How do u aply it is it spot on or injection? And what do you want for it? atb.
  3. Its his dog up to him what he does with it,they were quick enough taking the £ in the first place they should of been more choosey of who they sold it to if there that bothered.
  4. Yeah but you want to breed the healthiest as possable if any i was told about breeding silver x silver being wrong but i was unsure i know it can happen with 2 white canarys there chicks die with a lethal gene. I have a jill size small type hob here and a very dark polecat if you are willing to travel.
  5. Also a location may help you chance of selling them.
  6. I have 2 pure polecat hob kits realy mussley to touch and theyl nip you hard if not handled alot from young they take more time than a ferret would handleing wise. Some of them act different to ferrets stay in the dark compartement of a hutch away from people but these i have arnt like that atall. Then theres the jills there 1st crosses ones darker than the other but have a very faint mask slowly apearing. A good mate of mine has a 1st cross mink he brought off some bloke its realy dark smaller than most ferrets and it works well but a strong thing and it does kill. I own a jill that he ga
  7. Theres no end of ferrets about mate just go and pick some up it saves all the feeding/handleing/constant cleaning of growing litters.
  8. I have took a load of crazy ones in recently theres 10 and all bite theyl be on with handleing you could try ginger on you hands it wont like the taste.
  9. You have to have that attitude these days i recon as with all of them designer colours for sale and only a few people selling from decent strains.
  10. I think it depends on your ferret realy i have had big boys that never killed then seen alot of small jills that do alot. Yours is a nice looking animal though and a ferret that is a good proven working are realy hard to get hold of these days. As ive seen with the european polecats/stoats ect they are alot more mussley than a ferret and quicker from what ive seen. Also the greyhound types ive seen are lean and quick all different strains of ferrets will suit different peoples needs. all the best Tom.
  11. I give kits tinned cat meat from 3 weeks old espeachly if its a big litter to take the strain off the mum.
  12. There nice and take an afwfull lot more time than your advarage fert as im sure you must of handled them well.
  13. Yeah we dont bother putting them on our others only the british birds as we have to by law. Shame though as i like to put trees and branches in the avairys for them to make the feel comfy but they are hazards with rings on.
  14. Generally speaking Canaries never suffer from going light!! Its possible you had an outbreak of ornithosis which can be treated with an antibiotic but I'm guessing here. Did the birds have a nasal discharge? Pigeon fanciers call it the 'snots'. My dads sure its coccidiosis there heads swelled up with puffy eyes we lost chicks and 2 adults they were pretty thin too we also lost a mule they kept gapeing aswell but it looks like they will be ok now touch wood.
  15. I plan to do the same dd timber products do good quality ''credit crunch kennels at a good price.
  16. If your gunna do it wipe them with a baby wipe ear mites are common in ferrets.
  17. No worries i have 2 pures and 2 crosses cheers.
  18. Sorry mate but hes right, it dont have to be a small set it just abit easyer for the you and ferrets. If you cant find a little set obviously a slightly bigger one will have to do there shouldnt be any problems if you ferrets are big and hard enough and have collars on run them through pipes and tubes to keep them fit and get them abit used to going under ground .
  19. Tinned dog food gives nothing to the ferret i feed mine on a diet of ferret biscuit but mainly rabbit and even the odd pheasant, dont feed dog food if you dont have a supply of meat or ferret biscuits cat food is better for them. Yep even cat foods has more neutritional value than dog food.
  20. Well done watch they dont chew through that wire though.
  21. Dont kill it or bite it who in there right mind would? All kits nip to a degree so just keep handleing it and make sure its well feed itl soon come round.
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