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Everything posted by ferretertom

  1. Id call that more of a greyhound ferret than a ''micro'' they are about six'' long. Looks like a nice ferret all the same.
  2. Well i do like something unique looking,But i have all different colour ferrets and i prefer the albinos for ferreting.
  3. Ive had a few of these they were resonably small with high humpy backs.
  4. Sometimes ive found that if you move them in to a coup or ark from where theyve sat they just constantly try to escape back to the original nest.
  5. If you have any decent dark 1s for sale pm me.
  6. Very nice i bet he could do damage when full size.
  7. We have some british birds they dont stay still for long and as allready said not worth the hastle unless there steady.
  8. Have reduced to 12 3 of which are hobs.
  9. Yes as the others said just dont clean out her bed area for a few weeks.
  10. Hi [bANNED TEXT] didnt realise there were people on here from my neck of the woods.

  11. I had a pair of neutered hobs they didnt smell what so ever.
  12. Hi just joined im a 16 year old ferreter/shooter from buckinghamshire i go to a few gamefairs across the uk.
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