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foxy bingo

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Everything posted by foxy bingo

  1. get a shock coller mate from packdog.com this will sort yore problem out Crap Whats crap fella Using shock collars because people cant be f****d / dont know how to train their dogs. Its ok as a last resort but they're no magic wand ffs i no how to train mydog and they are traind you f*****g moron dont make judgements when you dont no me or my dogs and it was a last resort it was that or get rid just becuase you dont agre with them ther is no need to air your views like that yes there are idiots with them butt i am not one of them you sound like a tool,its all collars
  2. i like a deerhound cross but yours is an ugly brut gaffer
  3. you carnt take someones word for it who is obviously joined to ruin this thread, just don't add up. i no way condone dog theft. hows it obvious ? he OBVIOUSLY knows a bit about it doesnt he ?? was he there at the time? did he witness the dog being stolen buy joedogs? no. why did the guy not want his dog back and take cash for it? like said if i had a dog stolen and someone knocked my door with cash i'd tell them where to stick it. theres obviously more to the story that what hern makes out imo jibber your just as bad as a dog thief for sticking up for one give
  4. dog thiefs are baduns thats for sure, they say time a healer but its not it just gives the thief time to get a story straight an even start believing it in there own head. i understand that words are just words without evidence but the fact that the lad envolved went round offering money an not returning the dog, and allso the fact that hes typing on another user name trying to defend himself as a third party, well that to me speakes volumes, im the last to point the fingure im a somber kinda guy but everything is pointing in one direction that you dont have to be a mathamatician to get the an
  5. thats right turk you clear the golly dogs name perhaps theses pups should be called jesus
  6. i believe you was involved d.f.k cause the peddlers who sold the dog lied and said that you told them the dog had been overmatched even tho the dog giveup on the first fox an secondly cause you wasnt even there. your not in the wrong d.f.k just the lads that lied an involved you.
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