joball had a greyhound that took more then any lurcher,and a beddy cross better then any bullcross,then used a cross bred pitbull some ones pet to breed him self some pups lol
Is she another one of ye bought of the hunting life wonder dogs jo ye have spent some money on dogs of here mate ye gonna leave it in a field when it pulls up or jacks
Shame her dogs are doing ok out in the field though
Are they is that your opinion is it stop kissing her arse mate she only wrote 1 book darcy wrote more go sniff his anus
chris h is a well known peddler that keeps and breed from avarage dogs,name one well known respected dog man that owns a chris h dog.cris breeds rubbish fact
stop moaning like a bitch and get out and find some ground that will hold the game to put in front your dogs,then come back and tell us if 40 rabbits a night is easy.