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foxy bingo

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Everything posted by foxy bingo

  1. my dog runs any ground conditions if yours can then that's fine but just interested who else runs through the thick of winter. we get it you run malx
  2. ive been top chalker for 5 years and this season is far from over infact its only just begun. .razor is going to take some replacing that is for sure.. the good thing is that its razor daughter who is running well.shes a different bitch again from what she was last year.shes gettting better every hare she runs. the hares are starting to look like they are stuck to her nose through cover the works..adam deserves a good dog after the shite hes had and i truly think his bitch is going the right way.i was watching her last week and she run her heart out ..only early i know but as the hares
  3. even the so called [ good ] wheatons will of had bull blood added to them back in the 80s, lads like chrisbullx would of been 4 years old when the bull was added to the wheaton to make it a rougher dog....
  4. any one who drives the land is just lazy selfish and homosexual
  5. not many id guess desert bred i think most off us realise we have now bred the ultimate hare dog an pure off any breed is out classed an dated in the field beeing saluki or greyhound the days off pure dogs need putting behind us in the field. load crap mate you can only go so far with lurcher x lurcher breeding how far is that tho banter me personally cant see an end to it they have everything we ever wanted hence the reason we have them an never just stuck to the pures in the first place, you could line breed for many years without suffering problems and needing to seek an outcross
  6. or maybe there young dogs getting entered on young quarry on the longer softer grassy fields as the lads know its to hot in the day to even excercise off the lead so they fancy one run to keep the dog ticking over to many folk to eager to judge from hearsay
  7. not many id guess desert bred i think most off us realise we have now bred the ultimate hare dog an pure off any breed is out classed an dated in the field beeing saluki or greyhound the days off pure dogs need putting behind us in the field.
  8. i dont believe its possible to have good hare dogs in ireland they might have a best dog there but once over here its lower than average, there is keen lads that will sail over once a fortnight to run there dogs proper but its only once a fortnight theres lads here running like that once a day. so as i say the best dogs in ireland are mearely poor compared to ours;
  9. That pup should of not been in that situation FULL stop.. and if i ever do that to a young dog you are free to kick fook out of me till the cow's come home.. :yes: what situation is that millet behind a rabbit?, how do you know what the land is like behind the lamp, might be a big open plain just unfortunate that the bunnie ran that way. if everyone picked an chose there runs to that degree everybody else would be getting a nights catch in a season aswell, i understand your dog is a pet first but you cant expect everyone to mody coddle there dogs like that the dog was running a bunnie
  10. personal note to myself i must call foxes more often
  11. :laugh: your off your head i dont know you never met you in my life
  12. no thanks hampshire dogs have you ever owned a good dog
  13. just cant stand it when people pass rubbish dogs on like you and then laugh with no shame and your 3 out 3 ballsh,t
  14. dont know him read back on old post last years and no thank you , you carryon peddling happy xmas
  15. the only shit pusher pal is you pushing those shit dogs like the 1 you sold him peddler
  16. are you the bloke who sold mark b a dog for 500 money back terms and then changed your number another peddler
  17. why do pics of dogs with there catches bother you so much mathew
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