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shropshire mole

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Everything posted by shropshire mole

  1. Considering getting a Beddy x whippet. Going to be family pet/rabbiting dog Are there any recommended breeders you could suggest Thanks
  2. Did you bury him alive as a punishment for being a cheeky blighter
  3. Impressive looking trap OTC - A work of art. Not quite sure how it actually catches/ stabs the mole? Can you explain?
  4. The BMI traps - use already. How the box actually performs, looks a nice neat set up. Could be useful having a couple, was asking on here first as folk may have used them and have feedback
  5. Does any one use the Fineren body grip trap that is sold through Fourteenacre. Looks good
  6. Well have now purchased the xl8 lance + DR5 Duster - Got both direct from LanceLabs for £275+vat (£330) Still have the trusted Duststick as a backup as well Bring on the wasps
  7. Agree that would have been the best solution. In this case however, the owner, who had removed the tiles and found the nest and young, was quite happy to walk up on to his roof. I was not, do not have a roof ladder either, so options were limited, to within for me.
  8. ebay, but need to check your android phone software is compatible, that`s the more tricky bit
  9. Had a call couple of days ago for squirrels in a loft. There was a nest with young in (the owner had removed some tiles and found them). Have placed some kania traps in loft, but as yet no squirrel. Owner now said all quiet in loft, no more noises, he checked the nest and the babies have gone. So my question is Do squirrels move their babies if they think danger is close by?
  10. Has anyone got/tried the inspection camera that attaches to your smart phone. Has 6 led lights with different levels of brightness + waterproof Seems could be quite useful, but since it is only £10 delivered from China, not sure the image quality would be much
  11. If you happen to find a well used communual run, then you can catch moles often, and as you mention sometimes little or few mole hills seen above
  12. That's the one! Veniards still purchase dried mole skins - paying the handsome price of 20 pence each
  13. Often wondered as to why certain moles seems to know more than I do. Is it something they have learned or naturally more wary of their surroundings than other moles or there are subtle differences in the way the traps have been placed, but look no different to me. Be interesting to place cameras in the runs to see what the mole detects and how they go about filling the trap. Luckily even the most determined mole, gives in eventually
  14. Purchased some genuine Talpex recently, springs very strong IMO, but the trigger plate is very soft. They are catching quite well
  15. Agree with you, but that is for one job in one area! I personally would not drive over 25 miles for any job, (for I am a part timer who works else where as well) But if you have say 3 jobs all fairly close by then your income is nearer to £15-£18. I try and combine work with other things I need to do, eg shopping
  16. I do not think that any one was actually having a proper dig at mole posts. Agree there are a lot, but then alot of us trap moles. It was nice to see the squirrel pictures and different trap use IMO
  17. Was looking at mole prices online, a chap in Surrey charges "just £90 for the 1st mole" and a discount for any others caught for domestic gardens That is serious dosh.
  18. Good point NP. In theory a live catch mole trap would work, but as you say, unless you release it quite quickly it will die, but if the trap is loaded with a handful of worms may keep it alive til morning!! The same technology is used for rodent monitoring
  19. If you are in legal possession of phostoxin, and trained then you should know the answer, if not, then should not be using or storing
  20. It might also be the way they are hinged. With a Duffus the mole has to push it away and up and that could influence it to dig under if the trigger is a bit sticky to move. Whereas the Putange trigger falls away and down possibly influencing the mole to treat it like a stone and bulldoze it away. Happen The procter pest stop half barrels I purchased recently are very hard to "fire" and the mole will need a really good push to set them off, but they are catching the same as the flatpack ones. Not sure they view it as a "solid" object, IMO
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