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Everything posted by earthdogrunningdog1986

  1. The cinnamon gill is a little bugger it's the only ferret I've got that bites the rest are hand tame and she used to be tame untill I got rid of her kits and now every time I pick her up she sinks her teeth into my fingers right down to the bone lol and she's the dominet gill out of all my ferrets and she keeps the rest in check as well as my hand lol
  2. I've actually got another 17 week old minature greyhound gill ferret [bANNED TEXT] is the sister to the 1 in the photo and I've got another 8 week old cinnamon hob what is the brother to the 1 in the photo and I'm debateing whether to keep him cause there already fighting all the time and I don't mean play fighting I mean going at it like hammer and tongs
  3. Just pick it up every day den if it nips u or bites u grab it by the scruff off it's neck then turn it on it's back and so say no then the ferret will start to yorn den go to sleep and it calms it down and I was told that by a breeder and it has worked on all 11 of my ferrets now they don't bite
  4. I've just swaped a 11week old cinnamon hob for a 17week old gill greyhound ferret and the greyhound ferret is as small as the cinnamon hob [bANNED TEXT] he was 6 weeks old lol
  5. Well the hob ain't mine so I was wondering how long they need to be together to bring my gill out of season the person who I've borrowed him off said I can use him for 3days .is that long enough to bring her out of season? Any knoledge from people would be much appreciated
  6. How long should you leave a vesectomised hob in with gill to bring her out of seasion ?
  7. Cheers for all the advice from everyone atb earthdogrunningdog1986
  8. I'm willing to try anything u guys suggest I think ile have to buy a new cage and seperate dem from her and c if she settells down ile try out anything you lot suggest lol cause I want my ferret back to normal again lol
  9. The funny thing is when I wear a glove to pick her up she don't hiss at me or even try to bite me lol she acts like the glove is her best friend and without the glove my hand is her worst enemy lmfao
  10. The kits are 12weeks old now and when she bites she lunges at my hand and bites right down to the bone and just hangs on for her life she even hisses at me before she attacks
  11. I always make sure that the food dish is full. I feed dem chubb mixed in with dry ferret food so she can't b biteing me because there's not enough food if anything I'm over feeding them so I don't av a clue why she keeps biteing me cause I've stuck to the same routine
  12. My gill has started to bite me since she has had a litter of kits and I've kept 2 gill silver kits in [bANNED TEXT] her and as soon as I open the cage door she keeps running up to the door and biteing me every time I'm having to wear a builders glove just so I can feed her or to get the kits out to handle them I don't understand why she keeps biteing me all of a sudden atleast the kits are hand tame now does anyone know why she's turned aggressive ? Will she eventually be hand tame again?
  13. my new ferret box what u think of it
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