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Everything posted by earthdogrunningdog1986

  1. That's a bargain for a fully trained dog atb with the sale just hope he finds a good home
  2. Well done I bet it was good to get out atb
  3. Well I flick there nose [bANNED TEXT] I've calmed them down after they bite u just so they get the point there not to bite u everyone has there own techniques that's just [bANNED TEXT] I do and I've had 100 percent success doin it
  4. My black eyed White gill should b giving birth to her kits on the 15 September hopefully she will av a big litter cause I've got loads of people wanting them I'm just wondering how much black eyed White kits sell for?
  5. Grab it by the scruff off it's neck turn it on it's back then the ferret should yawn and calm down and try to go asleep butt [bANNED TEXT] it's calm flick it on it's nose a couple of times and if u keep doing this thy will b tame sooner than u think
  6. I don't think she's pregnant cause she ain't showing any signs of being pregnant and if she was she would be having them next Sunday but I doubt it cause if anything her nipples are just the same and she's lost weight if anything
  7. I'm well chuffed I've been searching for a while and was gonna spend daft money for 1 and da matey wouldn't take a penny off me but he asked me to keep a look out 4 a sandy gill for him if anyone in Cumbria as one for sale? Lol
  8. I've been looking for a miniature hob to go [bANNED TEXT] my 2 gills and a friend of a friend gave me a miniature hob and gill so I've got 3 miniature gills and they were for free lol
  9. I put her in [bANNED TEXT] my hob 27 days ago and she is fat compared to the rest of my gills and she keeps dragging my other ferrets into the nest but her tits r just the same as before mateing her I've had her for 8 years and she's never been mated before I decided to mate her before she pops her cloggs as she is an excellent worker any advise would be much appreciated atb earthdogrunningdog1986
  10. What are the tell tale signs that ur jill is pregnant?
  11. I went for a little mooch to check a rabbit set in some woodland near my house just to see if my new polecat gill would go down the hole cause this was the first time she's been shown a rabbit set and she went straight down the hole no messing about then I heard squeeling and my ferret was fighting [bANNED TEXT] a rat then bolting 1 or 2 lol there were no rabbits in the set just rats is this a common thing with unused setts?
  12. I've just lined my black eyed white gill the 1 in the fourth picture she's an excellent worker but I'm gonna miss my best ferret for when I start hunting that's the only problem but I've got 3 other gills which ile b working at the same time so there shouldn't b a problem
  13. So what do you think of my team of ferrets lol
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