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About MR.Digger!

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 13/12/1990

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  • Interests
    All sorts

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  1. Never saw a 16 week dog muscled like that if it is 4 n alf month it's going to have some shape u might have your wires crossed although not sayin she's not nice little thing anyhow make sure you use it, and not for ferreting lol good luck mate
  2. Kevin Websters said to have a right 13 yr old escort in his garage

    1. scothunter


      many times am i going to read that today lol

    2. MR.Digger!
  3. I was referring to other people and there dogs not bein fit!
  4. And Paul smithy did I say if the dog ain't fit if the dogs not fit I will not do something it's not capable of. And u try that no point getting aggressive over a computer
  5. I mean with my dogs, if they ain't right it's no good to me, what do u do fool
  6. Each to there own ayit if a dog stops doing its job or ain't it gets a clonk on the Fukin head. I'm tough if I don't like what I see ill do the best thing for it.
  7. A jacker for me is something what pulls off its quarry in stride or battle. Weather the dogs fit or not if it does it once it will do it again, imo. Although it helps to take abit of pride in your dog and do your best to prevent this but a wise man once told me a dog is only as good as its last time out.
  8. for the record dont by a dog off him weather u think its the real deal or what sure theres somebody else gonna sell something who others on here can vouch for get one of those
  9. this lad whos sellin these dogs, suggest he ay got the dogs now.. but hes not got a clue mark yeah your my pal from a couple of yrs bk but why you trying to blag the f**k out these lads on here last time i come to yours you had two big dog de bordeux shit machines! if the truths known your probly sellin these dogs for some kunt else round here youve been into lurchers probly a year or so aint you youve had more dogs than sunnyside and been out a handfull of times?! get a grip talkin coursing like uve done it for 20yr! ive been doin this 5 years i dont have much to do with coursing but more int
  10. alright pal, its liam mushys bang on here sound with my muts n that just time now.

  11. anyone know to a bellman and flint for sale west mids area money waitin.

    1. wig887


      one in for sale section mate

    2. MR.Digger!


      I got 1 mate I did see that 1 he said 250 no offers would have cost me 60 diesel got 1 for 245 off ebay nice1 tho mate

    3. MR.Digger!


      I got 1 mate I did see that 1 he said 250 no offers would have cost me 60 diesel got 1 for 245 off ebay nice1 tho mate

  12. i dont because my bull x then chews the kennel.. but i can kennell him and my terrier dog no problem and leave them with food, but not all dogs are the same.
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