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About menagerie

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. The FX Wildcat Must Go On Fire arms Certificate As It Is Over 12ft lb. Any Air Rifle set At 12ft Lb And Over MUST Go On Certificate. That Is The Law


    1. Squirrel_Basher


      Nope ..12 ft /lb is the max without a licence mate .

      Anything over yes but bang on 12 no license in England anyway .

    2. shotgunstan69@gmail.com


      ok stand corrected Anything OVER 12FT LB

  2. silly question maybe; but why is this FAC whens its a .22?
  3. can i still have your postcode..i can raise the rest.. £125. when are you about for me to collect? thanks
  4. sent you a pm, am interested in the bitch if she is still available.. where are you based??
  5. is this still up for grabs? where you based? or is that price including postage?
  6. granted bullbreeds get a raw deal.. and each to their own.. i guess in all breeds you get some which make ideal family pets and those from the same bloodlines who have an acquired desire to play up.. to me a good man wouldnt pts a dog cos its no good with kids.. sure its a liabilty but if you can provide what it needs and ensure its under control when in public.. then whats the problem???
  7. a dog that is in a suitable environment is better than a dead dog.. sure you guys wont give a dog a chance if he not stock broke or whatever. but english bull terriers are breed to themselves.. and i do have a strong passion for them.. i think given the right enviroment that dog would be well apprecciated.. if i ever place a dog its done making sure everything is transparent.. id like to help this dog out as you guys seem already to judged and sentenced it..
  8. sent pm. am very keen on this dog.. i already own a ebt x that came from a similar background where she allegedly went for one of the kids.. i dont have any kids, she live sout in a secure run and is very content.. i think even a dog like above could have a 2nd chance if kept in a suitable manner..
  9. send me ur number, i got sumin youd be interested in....
  10. looks a beauty.. i wish i could have another... hope she find a loving home mate, wish it was with me and mine...
  11. awesome bike.,.. if you still got it when i have the paper i want it..
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