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Everything posted by trooperman

  1. hi buy the best you can afford simple, any semi is not going to be acurate the act of it cycling another round see's to that and any one who tells you they are as accurate as a bolt is full of what makes the garden grow, i read all the time people who say CZ's are crap because of their triggers BOLLOCKS and you dont have to buy a new trigger unit to make it shoot, if you have a reasonable amount of sence you can do the standard trigger your self, quick lesson knock out the pins put the blade to one side take the trigger spring and grind of 4 coils this alone takes the trigger from nearly 4 lb
  2. hi mate if it of the floor you will have to move it as it renders its self able to be jacked up using the floor as a jacking point, if your garage is seperate from your home it will have to be moved, standard garage door out of the question tried it had to move it, as said before keep the keys out of childrens and any body elses reach then no problems. paul
  3. sold reduced to £450 posted not the A4 ret but the number 4 ret fitted Hi all for sale is this cracking scope it is a Docter 2.5x10x48 it has 30 mm tube and German number 4 reticle is multi coated all calibre recoil tested has first focal plane ret a high twilight efficiency and certified shot proof nitrogen filled for clarety. scope is boxed and has all paperwork with it, the scope has never been mounted or used as it is a competition prize BEST OF ALL ITS GERMAN so you know it is going to be fantastic. i dont have a rifle to fit it to so it is for sale, i have checked
  4. joined cameron and the rest of his crew who have tried to f**k shooting and the country up to. paul
  5. do they have a problem with the funny shaped balls paul
  6. hey mate where did you get your stock from paul
  7. its been bloody great first weekend of since Feb all the fields are cut and in all the Baling done and in the sheds all the fields rolled and ready, fishing yesterday over the res Grafham were i live and today chill and maybe some bunnie bashing with the lamp tonight or maybe just sit with a flask and the rimmie. paul
  8. they originate from just south of Cambridge then go and rob every one of there goods paul
  9. the best way to understand any animal is to sit and watch it, it is the only way to be able to stalk it when you have to, all the best stalkers never shoot an animal they are after some times for months just so they understand it. paul
  10. you know what they say better late than never :laugh: paul
  11. the 2.4 has a bit of a habit of a small shake when you turn it of and as a result the earth near the front lights moves about and breaks at the conector, its a ring type conector it has 3 wires going into it and it is on the right hand rail as you look under the bonnet, ford have replaced this with a bar on the battery turminal and the earth is run to this with another ring conector and a small metric screw. paul
  12. hi mate you do know you can get the Barbour pfoofing kits dont you it is easy to do, i asked about getting mine done it was then about 65 quid 5ish yrs ago bought the kit from gun shop cleaned my coat let it dry warmed up the wax in a saucepan and did it my self took about 1 1/2 hrs to do the lot but came out fine still got the coat and done it once again in the last 5 yrs and still water proof. paul
  13. not only are you miss informed you are also a muppet, i work on a farm in Grafham my boss gets no government funding subs of any description and during harvest times we are at work some times 4-5 in the morning till 10-11 at night seven days a week do you work that hard farming is not easy its bloody hard work all year round, so get your facts right before you run of at the mouth. paul
  14. i always think change is good you have to try new things otherwise life gets boring but its like what they say on the Telly if you dont like the channel turn it over or turn it of, if you dont like the site bugger of paul
  15. do you mean dont drink full stop, i have the odd cider in the summer hols by that i mean probably 2-3 cans in about 4 months, have maybe a bottle beer christmas time, but appart from that nothing, dont smoke never have never will. paul
  16. it does seem that way at times but the problem is some take a piss take to far and get into others heads and let it get to them, i would say the best thing you can do is if you detect a problem then get of or go to another section, other than that piss of paul
  17. never been with one but i did have the wife from behind and call her by a different name, wow that was a wild ride. paul
  18. look for claw marks around the base of saplings dont confuse with dear scratching though. paul
  19. you would let a woman clean your gun paul
  20. Hi what thread is your barrel if it is threaded yet, might still have a T8 at work incase you dont know a T8 is a reflex mod that goes over barrel and has a rear bush for stability. paul
  21. Hi Georgia i feel for you,our daughter got atacked when she was young what we did was take her to woodgreen animal shelter let her walk around and gradualy aproach the dogs in the cages when ready to, hope you come out of this ok keep your chin up girl. paul
  22. i have an old webley folding knife had it years keeps a fantastic edge and is a great skinner. paul
  23. notify trading standards let them deal with them paul
  24. done with a little addage. paul
  25. i think that is a lesson for you to take in, you are on a forum that any body can register with yes you hope that people you have contact with are as genuine as you are but it is a sad fact of life that many people are dishonest it is the society we live in, it is that dog eat dog thing and if some one see's you as an easy target they will aim for you, although there is many many people on here that are good honest people i would put money on the fact that for every 10 good people on here is is 5 that are a complete waste of space, my 1 hate on here is the member who tells you they will have w
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