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Everything posted by trooperman

  2. theres a disused underground building near our council offices i would over a time fill it with food and guns and shit then get in there for a couple of months come out lock it up then see who was still about,,,,incidently i hope my neighbour becomes a zombie first then i would give his wife what i told her i would like to give her and smash his head in paul
  3. hello mate to me she looks like an ella. paul
  4. it is 24 volt strip mine farmers lay it for the mass killing of moles and rats,,,mole or rat touches it and it makes a curcuit and blows up killing all shitters in the area. paul
  5. I was looking for Elvis posts paul
  6. as the other poster said nitromoors works well on the chekering you can brush in the nitro give it a moment to work and then use a tooth brush to get the varnish out,,,,give the stock a good rince after and then you can check for any fibre lifting and flat sand as said seal the wood after and get going on the oiling up use good oil though get at least 5 coats on then start to polish with lint free cloth if it wants more oil repeat process until you get it as deep as you want. paul
  7. i use a tenner to do the float on my rifles it is just thik enough to give that distance between stock and barrel,,,i just fold it around the barrel slowly run it up the barrel to see if ,,where it sticks if it sticks i put a chalk mark on the stock then bit of sanding check again if it still sticks bit more sanding if it dont run it up the rest of the barrel to the action if no more sticking fire 5 rounds check again if still no sticking,,,,take stock of again seal the wood and reassemble making sure all bolts are tight,,,thats my method i am sure there is others but this way works for me and
  8. for years the trade and gunsmiths alike all beleived you needed along barrel for every thing accuracy power reliability distance,,,then some smart arse cut his barrel down significantly and there was no noticable difference,,,all the gun manufactures said it would not work,,,Samuel Colt went on to make millions of weapons,,,,Anshuts think thats how it is spealt cut one of there rime fires barrel from 22" to 14" they did a load of tests and found that all the powder in a rim fire is burnt in the first 10" and the last 4" helped the round stabilise,,,depending on the way you barrel is made (cold
  9. by the way can you tell me why after every post i make or answer i get this message all the time. An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. [#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 20 seconds before replying or posting a new topic. paul
  10. one less scavenger on the planet,,,,if you get a chance have a look in the countrymans weekly a lad with his dad shot a fox and it weighted in at 2 stone must have been a bear of a fox. paul
  11. my way of thinking as well i had like this got out watched him for a week then finaly collared him 235yrds out last time he was a sneakly git. paul
  12. couple of things you should have done my friend,,,firstly you had a right to see them test the rifle power and to see the gear they used.secondly if it was not cocked or a pellet in the port they can not do you for carring a loaded weapon,,,how old were you when you were stopped,,,,lastly with all the HAC stuff going on they are all getting tough Derek Bird had some convictions from years before he did what he did and the HAC wanted to know how he could be granted a certificate with the convictions he had,,,,,so today to get FAC/SGC you have got to be mother superior you cany have even looked
  13. SOLD Hi all for sale this is a new never been fitted EB (Edgar Brothers) rifle scope. 1" tube Dual X reticule made in Japan ground green Glass multi coated fast focus eyebell.unmarked clear as day optics. Edgar Bros say no frills scope just good clear clean optics we dont make claims it will do this or that just good clear clean optics. bought from dealer who got it for displaying the range from EB. no box or paperwork but Derek Edgar say's warranty still good. 3 1/2 months old. cost new is £180.00 paid £120.00 for sale £70.00 posted. cash,postal orde
  14. EU say's no one aloud to financaly gain from the discard but you can take it and give it away. paul
  15. probably going to cop it for this i would have told her and her partner to do one ,,,,,,when if the old bill come knocking tell them to bring her along with her yapping rat,,,,,get her to walk passed as she normaly does let them see her yapping rat and what it does then ask them who is to blame if she has had the dog a while she should of been able to shut it up by now and be used to other dogs,,,also if she was infront of your gates it is insightment on her dogs part,,,even more so if she often yells expletives at you about your dog. paul
  16. i feel ya,,it is the same with sites like Ebay people ask questions and have no interest in what the ad is about or even buying,,you just have to treat them with the contempt they deserve and wait for the genuine person. paul
  17. why not put up a proposal saying that if a subforum is not getting used regular or very very low usage it will be deleted see if you get any complaints about that and take it from there,,i only go on reloading ,,general,, and the odd other one if bored so dont care what gets scrapped. paul
  18. as said never touch the hoover or dish cloths, ,back to the press just do what i do celotape a carrier bag under the press screw up put in bin job done. paul
  19. if the barrel is screw cut or it is thick enough to be screw cut,or you can find make a glue on addaptor you can fit a mod suppressor to it no problems. paul
  20. christ that must of been some impact for that amount of damage,,have a brand new un used EB 3X9X42 you can have for £ posted if it helps. paul
  21. shooting times had a set of 3 free with the mag a couple of weeks ago so you could have bought a couple of shooting times mags and had some to spare dont know about internet prices but shooting times £2.20 times 2 or 3 4.40,6.60 no post no Vat no hassle paul
  22. i use the masterlight supreme have done for about year half have a big deben and lead acid for realy long work but the masterlight is good out to about 175 225 yrds. paul
  23. Hi mate there is only one method that is fine grade wire wool lightly rubbed over the rust area till it has gone good degrease then reblue many of the blueing kits are good at reblueing unless you no a good gun smith who does a bit of blueing. paul
  24. i know what i would have done if it was 1 of my children ,,,i would have waited for him to come out of court and ran him down,,,hopfuly some one will kill him. paul
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