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Everything posted by trooperman

  1. sold Hi all i have for sale a Reflex T8 Compact moderator it is the over Barrel type as any one who knows these will know...it is threaded 1/2 UNF it is 4 months old and had about 150 rounds through it...it was given to me as a present so is not on my ticket. these are over £200.00 from the shops for sale for £100.00 + post which is about £7.50 signed for next day the mod is in absolutely imaculate the Barrel bush is bored to about 15mm but these are available from jackson rifles. will put some photo's on when i get the time but as said it is imaculate. payment is
  2. its amazing the amount of complete BOLLOCKS that people write about CZs...if you are one of those people who have more money than sence then go and buy your Anshutz,sako,HW,and if its because of a name then get a life...Anshutz made target rifles because there was a niche in the market no one else made .22lr target rifles...their hunting rifles are a different kettle of fish THEY ARE NO MORE ACCURATE THAN A CZ OR ANY OTHER RIM FIRE ON THE MARKET FACT CZ were making guns long before 1856 when Anschutz started making guns and they are still going that should tell you some thing about CZ...and wh
  3. hello lads and ladies just a follow on from the probs with the Battery...i just new there would be some crack up replies any way for the bloke who asked the Batteries are £345.00 each and there is 4 of them we have got it sorted now a bloke came over from Holland to sort it turned out to be an earth lead had chaffed on the p.t.o return and and welded its self to the frame...so all sorted now...last thing one of the blokes at work has a pace maker and he got a belt of it as well and it fried his pace maker needless to say he needed a new one quick smart...i would have replied sooner but work a
  4. now i just know i am going to get some fantastic replies ,or maybe not but a strange thing happened to me today at work ,for a while now we have had a on going problem with a new farm vehicle it is a Case T9 Tier 4A this thing is incredible has over 400 hp anyway for a while we have had to jump start the thing as the battery keeps dying the bloke from case brought his laptop and went through the log to see if there was a problem ..came up blank any way to the strange thing that happened to me i got it going and it started to splutter so i quickly disconected the battery while it was runnin
  5. there was some goods points made here on this thread,but i think most people can make up their own minds and as you start to read a post get the jist of whether the poster has a clue of what they are on about,we all know the media love to sensationalise shooting incidents and blow them out of proportion,and i am in know doubt that you get people who join forums even ones like this one just to see what agro they can cause before being removed. i bet their is no end of people on here that are not shooters...dog runners...ferreters...or prey bird flyers,and they probably come on here to wi
  6. i would if she paid me,,,my wife would knock the spots of her. paul
  7. getting involved in other peoples actions in their countries is what has caused so much agro in the world already,you should not concern your self with what others do,if you want to be a saint in every thing that is going on become an animal rights activist,,,if not just concern your self with what you do,,,if you are a shooter make sure all your kills are clean if you run dogs make sure your dogs are up to the job...dont get me wrong the video was bad but in their country it is a day to day thing they have a hard job getting by and do things others might find disturbing,over the years we have
  8. Your opening question is proof you aren't intelligent enough to know when someone is talking to you, so yes, people like yourself do show us up as idiots As for the forum, I don't think the public know it exists. Its easy to think the world revolves around something you do but alas it doesn't. As for the antis, who seriously gives a f**k? I'm more concerned about them coming on here and reading about hunting folk being worried about them than I am about any petty arguments they read. Don't give them any credit, they aren't worthy of it. hello mate i think you would be amazed at how
  9. Whitlesey gun centre if he does not have he will always order in. paul
  10. hello mate CZ did some testing on their rifles in the 452 range the reason was that most if not all their competitors use 16" or less barrels... they found that all the powder eeven in the higher powered ammo was burned up in the first 12" of the barrel and so any thing after that was a waste ...so they starting making the range with 16" barrels to see how they would go...supply could not match demand,no to your question. most CZs out of the box are top shooters and contrary to belief they are accurate enough for target shooting although they are intended for hunting. they have said CZ
  11. know what you mean bought a DVD of the bay called hunting rifle and hunting with them...some complete prick all the way through it getting in front of the recorder and going on about how to set up the shot and then playing some bollox with the shooting. paul
  12. i bought a caravan of the bay 3 yrs ago paid £28.00 yes 28 quid for it i put 2 new tyres on it and a new sink the tyres and sink cost me 65 quid i sold it on the bay for £1.100 what a deal. paul
  13. perhaps it should be made compulsory to add a phone number...but dont tar all the newbies with being rip off b*****ds...i had only been signed up on here a couple of weeks think it was before i bought and sold on here...when selling i make a point of making sure all the info a fellow member may want is added...and when i buy i ask all the questions i need to know and pictures to compliment the item...and to be honest if you fail to make sure what you are paying for is what you will get then it is the buyers own fault...however i do understand that their is some people who are just down right c
  14. You may be correct, but, please advise where you can buy a PROOFED mod off ticket. To get proof a mod has been fitted to a FAC tool, it therefore technically becomes a FAC tool and can only be sold on ticket. That is my understanding. Please tell me where that is wrong. Cheers Mods can be supplied proofed from brand new,proofed at the factory and then sold unused and new. I got mine on e-bay (wildcat P8 £50 with the insert brand new) Came from a wholesale dealer who was not an RFD. My local RFD put it on my ticket for me. So they are available. ATB Ok, you
  15. sold for sale bought november last year...wildcat whisper .17 HMR mod,1/2 unf thread,stripable for cleaning...over barrel design...mod is imaculate it has had less than a box of 50 through it... bought from fenland rural sports for £125.00 for sale for £90.00 + post post is insured delivery which is £7.00 cheques,postal orders uncrossed,bank transfer(prefered method)can post as soon as payment in then. dont ask for paypal as i dont and wont use this method thanks Paul
  16. wife has got the right hump...she snores like buggery so last night i had,had enough so i got out of bed went round to her side and stuck my knob in her gob ...not only did it shut her up but she woke up at the same time...so since last night she has had a right cob :realmad: on and to make maters even worse every time i look at her i have to laugh ...she told a friend of ours sindy and she laughed as well after, she said to her you should have bit it paul
  17. you said through the bank was that bank transfer...if yes try the bank tell them what has happened and tell them you are informing the police...it is theft and they have a legal obligation to look into your complaint about the person...i had this with a wanker on another forum i paid by bank transfer they told me they would send a letter to the person and when i told them i was informing the police aswell the lady on the phone gave me her name and all relevent details to give the police...it took 2 months but i got my 485 quid back. paul
  18. hi Lee what is the rate of twist in your Ruger as it may prefer a lighter round or heavier rate of twist does make a huge difference in accuracy with head weight. paul
  19. i have a Deben tracer mini which i have done away with the lead acid bat and use a lith ion with it better than lead acid also use a masterlite supreme and if people think like cookey it only goes out to 50yrds you have had a bang on the head i have had the masterlite since it came out and it wont go out to 300yrds like some say but it will do 220-250 easy and mine does regualy i use it on my .223 and copes well for foxes. paul
  20. hi all there has been a number of posters about this thread...and i fully agree with alot of what has been said...i personaly threatened to shot a bloke who was on the farm land that i work on have done for the last 19 yrs i have sole permission and on occation take others out with me...now to my point i drive a 4X4 every day but not around the fields it does do damage and costs money when the crops can not grow where vehicles have drove BUT WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME WHO DRIVE A 4x4 SO DONT TAR US ALL WITH THE SAME BRUSH yes you might get people drive theirs across fields but some dont including
  21. to get the best out of any river or pit fish you need to take it home alive...put it in a tank of water leave it in this tank for 2 days...transfer to another tank with clean water in it for another day then into another tank of fresh water for further day then it is ready to eat as you have washed all the earthy taste from it by putting it in fresh water for a while...it will also soften the flesh up and it will eat well... the way we do it is pan on heat pour some good extra virgin oil in the pan take your filets and cover them in a good korma paste cook for a couple mins on both sides t
  22. like night hunter mine on the home policy..got them on as away from home cost £2.85 a month on top but with 3 grands worth of scopes and a grands worth of bino's you need it. paul
  23. buy the best you can afford cheap scopes are fine for every day work...if you are going to shoot at night aswell there is no substitute for glass and to get good glass you need to spend a bit more cash. and dont rule out s/h you can buy some good quality for not alot of cash. paul
  24. i shoot CZ's have 3 of them and dont believe every thing you are told about CZ triggers...they aint as bad as every one makes them out to be and a lot of people who go on about them have never shot one....and the triggers on the 455 are even better out of the box...people only buy anshutz .imho. for the name if you want to spend close to a grand on a gun that is no more or less accurate than any of the others on the market then go ahead....if you go the CZ route strip the stock and take the spring at the back of the trigger of and grind 2 coils of it...it will lighten it and take any creep the
  25. i was moaning about the rip of britain prices on friday at work and my boss said instead of f--king moaning all the time do some thing about it...and that is what i did i left work in the Trooper and parked across the entrance to the local Tesco all the police got around here is astra's 4 hours the Trooper was parked in the entrance...so just like my boss told me stop f--king moaning about the rip of prices in the shit hole country and do some thing about it...there aint enough old bill or army in this country to stop every one if we can all get together and protest. paul
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