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Everything posted by NEWKID

  1. all hunting with dogs is band i read a man was find for havin 4rabbits hangin up in shed he had 2dogs and told police his dog got them he was fined lads look it up sad isnt it. i will never stop. doing it with my dad [bANNED TEXT] i was a nipper my kids will show ther kids it will never stop Not sure where you got that from mate, no worries on rabbits or rats
  2. I'm still training my pup mate, found it best to start with a toy in the house somewhere where she can't get away from you, hallway maybe, throw the toy( not to far) and when she picks up the toy call her back ( work on re-call first) when she brings it back make a big fuss of her and give her a treat, do it a couple of times and stop. Mine picked this up easy with practice. Next take her in the garden and do the same lengthening the distance ( don't over do it keep it short and fun). I've been using a rabbit skin dummy now and she's taken to it well, I throw the dummy and she retrieves it
  3. couple of pics mate I'm out with the ferrets on fri I'll get some more up to date photos up was out for a shine last night was crap she had a couple of runs, but the wind had died and the moon was out and bright All the best for the rest of the season
  4. what breed is your pup matey??? she's 3/4 whip 1/4 beddy mate really pleased with her
  5. My pups just gone 7mnths now started her out with the ferrets around 4mnth and over the last few weeks let her have a look out with the lamp. Took her out with my mates dog first and a few walks on her own, no pressure on her kept on the slip and a couple of runs on walked up squatters. she's not caught yet ( just missed on the strike the other night) but she's young and this season is for her to have a look next season the real fun will begin
  6. F*ck mate thats one lucky escape.............like your sense of humour about it .....was the flask a thermos :laugh: Hope you mend quick and get back out with the ferts
  7. sounds like a top night mate After my big talk I failed to get out the missus got in late ( pay back for every time I go out ) when she came in I had a look, was'nt a cloud in the sky and a big moon still windy though. It,s looking good for tonight though so hopefully the pup will get a couple of runs later
  8. It seems like this is becoming way to regular.......there's some scum bags out there who'd nick anything I'm in Devon so I'll keep my eyes peeled and say to the boy's I go out with....good luck mate.
  9. exactly my way of thinking mate why would the ferret just concentrate on the fingers, the babies bound to move around meaning it would bite other areas, Like I've said scumbag parents who hopefully get a good kicking every day for the rest of their lives. ( and no my ferrets live in the court and have a run around in the garden ......not running around the house....it's bad enough the 2 dogs living indoors )
  10. well done mate it looks good Gives you a bit of satisfaction when you build it yourself
  11. I knew I set myself up for a load there lads .........I'm sure I'll work something out.......either get out for an early one or a late one.........I'll fit it round the boss :laugh:
  12. It's blowing a gale down here the lamps charged and I'm desperate to get the pup out for a look...............the missus is going out and I've got the kids, why tonight I think she's being selfish
  13. well done lads, another good write up and a top day out
  14. nice one mate... your sorted now. atb vin Cheers Vin mate, we will have sort a night lamping mate soon. Glad to hear the pups still going well mate Baz
  15. totally agree mate, the internet is for the craic, but I think you would get a lot more advice or different views if people were'nt worried about being slated for anything they say. I've just seen on a couple of posts recently people saying they're gonna leave the forum because of the s*it thats written, that can't be a good thing if you lose people who's views or ideas maybe of use to younger or less experianced people. Over 20 years ago when I was first out with dogs, ferrets or whatever the only way you could get advice was off the old boys down the road who had done it all, you would'nt
  16. nice one mate good write up sounds like your pups are doing well, just started mine on the lamp ,she's 7 mnts, only a couple of runs a night just let her have a look really atb kev (by the way trevor my mates dogs called steve )
  17. Don't add up this story 7 fingers before anyone heard anything Why just the fingers? F*cked up parents deserve a good kicking. :censored: Poor baby, the worlds gone mad
  18. looks like a good night mate, nice one
  19. It's a shame that nearly every post ends up like this, I've read a lot of your post rfyl both on the fishing forum and the running dogs and you know your stuff, it would be a shame to lose blokes off of the site who know what they're on about because people look for any hole in a reply to pick an argument. After a while away from the dogs i value the opinions of the more experianced dog men as I'm sure a lot of other people do. Surely this site is here for like minded people to share their views and experiances and offer advice to each other without worrying if your gonna get slated for anyth
  20. stroller, I think thats a really nice touch as you say it's not up to us to judge anyone and I think too many take too much for granted. As dotty doo said there is no community anymore, it's everyone for themselves, I've tried to help people in the past ( giving them work where because of cicumstances they would maybe struggle to get a job) it don't always work out but like I said who am I to pass judgement. We don't all have to become Bob Geldoff but giving a couple of rabbits to they less fortunate surely aint that hard
  21. Mines 3/4 whip 1/4 beddy and she's broken coated I think most of the litter were too.
  22. sorry to hear about your dog mate, wish you all the best
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