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Everything posted by NEWKID

  1. I'm out tonight just starting to blow now and no moon, gonna give my bros dog her first proper run just coming up 12 mnths so i'll take her out with mine and hopefuly get her onto a few easy ones. Gonna be a good week weather wise make the most of it I reckon.
  2. sorry to hear about your ferret mate, the lad I go out with has a couple of this years hobs left and maybe 1 jill if it helps we're in Devon mate.
  3. Good video mate, happy days indeed.
  4. Was taken out at around 6 ferreting, lamping, fishing, nesting etc and thats basically all I did for the next 15 years ( with a few sports thrown in ), the thought of being inside never came into my head I loved being out and busy. The man who first took me ( and basically had me every weekend and a lot of weekdays as a kid) died in March, as I've said before I really miss that we'll never go out ferreting or lamping or sit by the canal or on the beach fishing together, he gave me an up bringing which I'm really grateful for. I really believe that having a positive outlet and interest as a kid
  5. she had more pricks than a second hand dart board
  6. What a twat.... maybe he's into Nirvana
  7. you can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead up the rectum don't affect em as much use as a handbrake on a canoe as welcome as a fart in a space suit like a donkeys dick lets hit the road if your brains were made of dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your hat off
  8. It's those that piss me off whin, who would want to do be up town getting abuse on a sat night and not even paid for it. Got nicked by one years ago sticking up for a lad who was getting bullied this right nob had started on some girls too, waited outside for him and politely asked if he fancied bullying me next thing I'm getting nicked by this right jobsworth twat the 2 girls and this young lad were explaining what went on made no odds. At the station the duty sgt basically told him to piss off, he said I had to do the night so the paper work tied up but he'd have me out first thing. The
  9. Can't believe you got serious replies mate.........you gotta love it.
  10. walk quietly but carry a big stick ( my old mans best bit of advice)
  11. Never nudge your granny when she's shaving with a fork.
  12. Top advice as always Casso, really good outlook on dog behaviour, I'll be using some of your tips and advice to help my 14 mnth old pup lose a bit of her nervousness, she's coming good in the field, I've took it slow with her and it's starting to pay off. Redpat I wish you the best with your pup I can offer no better advice than Casso or Skycat have given you, but with my recent experiance with a shy/nervy pup I would say take it slowly, if you can take her ferreting that may help I started mine around the ferrets at around 5 mnths. I was lucky enough to have a mates experianced dog to show h
  13. yeah to to see them beside the potatoes and veg Roast venison..... lovely
  14. Got some land in North Devon there's a quite few reds up there, They're an awsome animal love to see them............ and this year now i've got my beddy X whip up and running we'll be up there for a few
  15. Was out last night mate, crap conditions real foggy, managed 1 out of a couple of runs but knocked it on the head. We'll have another go tonight. Nice to see the big reds eh!
  16. Hi mate A mate I go ferreting with has a patt which has been worked hard and by all accountants was a good earth dog ( diggings not my thing but was his) he's around 10 now but still comes out ferreting and he's a good marker and steady all day, he's a switched on dog. I've got a jack russel which I got for bushing, ratting, ferreting ect and she does all of these things well and for work above ground she works well with my lurcher. Good luck with your choice mate.
  17. Your probs not going to like the advice I got earlier then....Been told lurchers are to big for rabbits.. Your getting some strange advice mate, pretty much any type of lurcher should be able to catch a rabbit if you want a rabbiting dog mate and you've already got collies I'd say a collie x ( a lurcher) would be the way to go. I've got a 3/4 whip 1/4 beddy and she's turning into a handy rabbiting dog too, pick what you like, put the time in and most of em will catch rabbits mate.
  18. Sorry for your loss mate. RIP Ben
  19. You've had some top advice on this thread mate, it's up to you now to put the time and effort in, you'll only get out what you put in. Good luck with the pup.
  20. Sorry for your loss mate, Good luck in finding out the truth on what happened that night mate, if it comes out they left a dog with broken legs in a hedge they deserve their legs broken and slung in a hedge the basta*ds
  21. Best of luck with the dog mate, by the sounds of it you were real unlucky with where the cut was, as it was so small.
  22. Quality photos mate, those whippets look real smart, great little ferreting companions I'm sure
  23. Some good videos there boys, nothing better than seeing a bully getting his just rewards.........f*cking hate bullies
  24. Now thats honesty..... I love the barking at pigs bit
  25. On another thread today I was interested to hear about skycats airedale lurchers, I've read about them in the CMW and on here a couple of times. From what I understand they were a mistake breeding that's turned out good. Has anyone else had the same, a mistake that you've kept and brought on and it's done the job. Cheers Kev
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