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Everything posted by NEWKID

  1. nice one mate, good bag, and good use of the gate ....tomo will be proud
  2. I would think talking about dodgy deals on a open forum would be worse than some of the lads that boast on the lurcher section, you never know who's watching lads.
  3. Got to agree with boiling the rabbit first and stripping off the bone, then using the water as your stock, rabbit makes great stock, put the font end in your stock for gravy tastes lovely on a roast. Some good ideas here lads I'm getting hungry.
  4. Nice one mate, and well done to the new mum......... I'm sure it was a welcome break.
  5. Nice one mate, good write up too.
  6. Out Tomorrow on some new permission, the forecast looks good all week, good luck to the lads out tonight.
  7. 4 out of 4 still mate, the dogs done well, I'll wait till later this week the weather supposed to be coming in bad................ or good
  8. Great photos as always mate, the dogs always look in great shape.
  9. thanks mate, yes Tod coming well now, mooching great and more so when they will go in cover like Bryn does, it really workes well I use a jack russel mate for the cover work, as soon as she gives a bit of tounge I love the lurchers reaction never big bags but real good fun, ATB Kev
  10. On the train from london to our digs in Reading arrived at our stop and shoved my brother in the over head suitcase compartment he couldn't get out we got off saw him fall out of it as the train pulled out of the station Ripped a bin up with the slot in the top and put it over my head I looked like a robot walking up to people acting the dick, saw the police coming so threw it off, was told you've been seen on cctv stealing a bin and wearing it on your head, " not me " I say they give me a rollocking and I still insist I'm innocent when I get in Brush my teeth look in the mirror and my face
  11. You do get idiots posting obviously, whether they're antis, naive, plain thick whatever, don't get dragged in yourself and the mods will sort out what they can, the THL is supposed to be like minded people talking about topics they enjoy, having a laugh and maybe meeting like minded people for a trip out, anyone who thinks adding pre ban or to a post makes it safe must be mad, the idiots will come and go just ignore them or humour them till they disapear.
  12. Nice one Ray glad to hear Tods on the mend, got to agree with the bushing as well I love lamping but there's something about watching the dogs work together in the day and the build up to a bolt from cover is as good as it gets
  13. LOL like the write up mate, i can definately hear the nagging, I'm a mug and say something like " I'll be back for 2 and then we'll go out for the afternoon", when I stroll in at 5 the nagging starts. lol
  14. Cracking photos there mate, glad your boy's over his little incident and back out enjoying the sport. ATB Kev
  15. Agree with Tyla I'm sure there would be someone who would love a day out with their ferrets on some new permission, at least then you know if it's for you before getting ferrets. You may find youself a ferreting partner too, it's always easier with a couple of you. Good luck Mate
  16. Good write up mate and another THL Bromance.
  17. Yeah sounds good, could do with the cover dying away on this bit as well, we'll get something sorted once we've had a decent frost. Some decent bags as well mate nice one
  18. Good read mate, sound like a good day out. I took out this years jill for her first run yesterday, she was messing a fair bit couldv'e done with a rabbit giving her a whack into the air
  19. Hi Mate Just getting going properly now mate sept was a bit hectic, ther's a huge ground bury on this bit we'll do when it dies down you're welcome up then we'll need a few hands on it. Going for a walk on another new bit in Cullompton this week, been told there's a fair few rabbits on it we could sort a day up there as well. Have you been out lately?
  20. Cheers, how tall did your bitch reach? She's around 19 inches mate, the dogs in the litter went bigger up to around 22"
  21. As said with a decent knife and pliers can be a pain in the ass but they get easer once you've done a few, OK eating with the added bonus of no bones as they are a member of the shark family so they have a a length of tubular cartlidge running down their body. Personally I put em back because I don't think they're good enough eating to warant the hassle of skinning just my opnion.
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