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Everything posted by NEWKID

  1. There's still more sat in the cover than down the holes, it was roasting this morning when I was out T-shirt weather in mid Nov At least you had a few mate
  2. Got to agree it's a great pic of your lad down the hole, quality.
  3. LOL, it was lovely mate, had the parents round for tea and they were happy too.
  4. Nice one mate,well done on the perseverance I'm glad it paid off for you. All the best for the season Kev
  5. Managed a quick look out this morning as the kids stayed out last night and the missus has shot off to Manchester for the weekend, I took the dogs and a couple of ferrets, purse nets ect and had a walk around the woods above a farm local to me. Within 50 yrds of parking the terrier marked well around an old tree, netted up about 10 holes and put this years jill in, 5 mins the rumble began and a good bolt resulted in a well neted rabbit with the ferret right behind, I'm pleased with her so far, I still put an experianced hob through just to check and she had bolted the only occupant. Picked up
  6. Nothing but respect absolute, bravery, pride they were and are true men. We've got a lot to be thankful for from heroics in the past and present some really close friends still make me tingle with pride for what they're prepared to do.
  7. I've got a Yamaha apx-5a semi acoustic, really nice guitar. It's small bodied and has decent action ( some acoustics can leave your wrist killing after 10 mins). It was a bit more than you want to spend new but I reckon you'd fnd one second hand around that price. The one thing I'd say is go and play a few in your local music shop see what type you like and you can make a choice from there ( you don't have to buy but you'll know what you like and maybe find a £400 guitar for £200 second hand) Good luck with your choice mate
  8. Lovely looking pups Dougall, I like the sound of the mix.
  9. Nice one sean, I've been waiting for a report from you but that was better. Great pics, some lovely looking dogs. Keep saying it but we'll have to sort that day out
  10. A good ferreting dog is a god send saves you time and does a lot of work for you. As Robert Michem said it's not just about catching bolters it's also what they are trying to tell you, sometimes the lads with the dog don't see the signals, some dogs mark subtle some dig at the hole and make it obvious. I think any dog for ferreting should mark, and be respectful of nets and ferrets, the bonus' is dogs that really let you know whats going on underground once the ferrets are in. I love watching the dogs mooch and ferret thats when you see a dog working properly in my opinion, I love lamping but
  11. I can gaurantee you mate I was in no way having a pop at you at all, I enjoyed your clip, and you obviously enjoyed your day. Some of the " advice" which could be useful would be trying to keep the dogs back from the hole a bit ( my terrier is a nightmare for it, but my little lurcher aint so bad) you sometimes stop a bolt when they're too close and end up having to dig ( I don't love digging). I also find my dog runs better up hill than down. |As said mate no dig at all from me I like to see lads out there doing it and not many put photos up let alone vids so well done.
  12. Keep the vids coming lads, I think most of the lads are offering you advice which from some of the experianced lads on here could be useful. Keep at em and keep enjoying your dogs, you got to make a few mistakes to learn anything and as long as your enjoying yourselves thats all that matters really.
  13. Top day mate well done.............. and you beat my day with a quad and trailer hands down lol.
  14. Well done to both the lads mate, good results alround
  15. Jesus mate that is tough, What do use to dig a JCB
  16. Similar to my efforts on saturday mate. just me the dogs and a couple of ferrets we only had 1 but had a few good runs, It was never gonna be a big bag as most of this land is big hedges so they're impossable to do on your own, this was purely for fun and being out with the dogs/ferrets and not sat on my ass doing nothing.
  17. Good luck with her mate. At least the news is positive so far
  18. Nice one getting the kids involved she'll be your ferreting partner soon enough, mine are the same I think my little girl likes the ferrets more than the dogs, she helps me clean them out and is good at handling them ( under a watchful eye) at only 3. She had a little trip with me last week only an hour or so, we had 3 rabbits and she insisted on carrying one back to the car her brother whos 6 can set purse nets now and gets involved once he learns to shut up for 5 mins I'll take him more lol.
  19. If you got kids the ferrets get named wherever you like it or not...................... I don't mind to be honest Poley hob.... mars bar albino hob...... sonic albino hob....... Keith Albino jill ......... sunny poley jill .......... Poppy
  20. The old boy has helped me out over the last 20 years with the odd ferret or two so its only fair that I should sort help him out with his back breakers now he's getting on a bit, even if he did stand laughing when I caught a second bolter under my arm while unnetting the first, he said it looked like I was trying to play bagpipes LOL nice one mate, make the most of your times with him you don't half miss em when they've gone. ATB Kev
  21. Nice one on keeping the pup mate, I'm sure for the work you require of her she'll be fine, good luck with her mate
  22. Good day mate and enjoyed the write up, nice to get out with the old boys if you can
  23. Well done mate, good start on your new permission.
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