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NEWKID last won the day on February 25

NEWKID had the most liked content!

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27,659 Excellent


  • Rank
    The Sensible One Who Looks Like The Gay Eastender
  • Birthday 02/12/1976

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    anything outside, hunting and fishing want to give my young lad the same upbringing as me ferrets,dogs and fishing try to get my girls into it to.

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  1. Could do with everyday being like this...the old adage of make hay when the sunshines was true today.. with my lad and my brother in law, t shirts, radio on, having a laugh and making a few quid ..happy days...
  2. My lad, my brother and his daughter chucking some steel up..
  3. Northern Soul and football ain't your things are they mate...
  4. Loake, it's the only shoe...
  5. You don't know your Northern Soul then?
  6. I think Trump and his vice president made themselves look a pair of c**ts tbh.. I don't disagree with Trumps sentiment or the intention, but it was a cheap stunt infront of the media and a muscle flex to garter attention... Trump knows he holds the cards, Ukraine are f****d without USA backing and he can certainly broker peace as he has a relationship with Putin. Zelensky knows Trump Holds the cards as well, so you don't need to publicly shame the man in what is basically one upmanship, Trump holds grudges, Zelenskys backing of Biden has bubbled to the surface and in a pre staged pu
  7. She was the same mate, had a lot of lumps, took her vets nearly 2 years ago but they said it was pointless operating as she was old (13 then) and as long as she was eating, happy enough to let her be.. she came out ferreting 4 weeks ago, the day went past her a bit but at least she got out one last time... never easy mate losing a dog you like, be sad for you when old Buck goes as I know how much you like that dog mate... wishing you well anyway Ray.. take care mate
  8. Congratulations Kanny, all the best to mum and baby..
  9. There's always a way, and this was the only way to get the bath in! Lol
  10. Lovely pic that Geth, to think Ollies coming up 15 now, time flies eh! Yeah she was honest enough, tried her hardest every slip and you can't ask more than that... Cheers mate
  11. Yeah we said the same mate, my lad and eldest girl were here looking after her, the eldest girl took a day off work and had her on the sofa all day on Tuesday, they get spoilt rotten at the end eh! Lol I've buried her at the bottom of the garden, between 2 big pine trees, this afternoon, suns up and birds are singing, seemed nice in a weird way..
  12. Cheers Paul, 17 is a great age mate, keeping em.out and fit as you can certainly helps..
  13. Yeah that's right mate, used to write a good few posts before, she was always knocking about in them lol The bitch is got off Haymin is still here, coming up 10 this year...time to think about what next, I suppose..
  14. Had to have the old girl put to sleep this morning.. she was a lovely dog to have around, caught a good few rabbits in her time and was the reason I first went on this site 16 years ago when I was looking for a beddy/whippet pup... she made 15 years old, great innings for her.. Night Marth's
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