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Everything posted by TinTentTourist

  1. Hi Don't know where you are located, but BAR at Blackpool had a couple in last time I was there, don't know about cal or AT. Just a thought, they are good to deal with. http://www.airgunbuyer.com/index.asp good luck Martin
  2. That's the reason the Americans have a .50 cal air rifle !!!
  3. Air rifles are different to shotguns and FAC guns in the eyes of the law. But you do have to have a good reason as mentioned above if you have it in a public place. Once it is on private property like your home or office it is different. Could you lock it up at work? Then going home you are on your way to your permission. Whether yours is a good reason or not, might have to be tested in court if your view is different from the officer's. Or if there is not already a stated case to cover the circumstances. If I was you and going through the application process, I would ask the Firearms En
  4. Between the eye and the base of the ear.... they just fall over!!
  5. Hi I came back to the sport earlier this year and bought a HW100 which had been made lighter with a v-mach cylinder (11oz lighter!!). What I have found though is that I have become stronger over the weeks that followed. The more I use it the less I notice the weight, even with a bipod, scope and torch attached. Personally I would give it a bit longer before making big changes. Weight can be an advantage for stability! ATB Martin
  6. Hi all, Just thought I would update this thread for the benefit of others who were in the same position as me. Following all the recommendations listed above I bought the following: Mount. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TORCH-LASER-RIFLE-SCOPE-AIRGUN-MULTI-SIZE-LAMPING-MOUNT-/260653888143?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET#ht_3329wt_945 UltraFire® 501B CREE 300Lumens Tactical Flashlight set. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/UltraFire-501B-CREE-300Lumens-Tactical-Flashlight-set-/150484272673?pt=US_Flashlights#ht_2634wt_911 4x CR123A 3.6V 16340 Rechargeable Battery+ Charger. http://cg
  7. The only thing I can't resist is temptation.

  8. And what does he look like with two identical HW100's --- There will be a lot of bunnies in the area happy you are selling one of the twins lol Cracking rifle, almost new and well loved, probably just run in by now. Excellent deal for anyone thinking of getting one of these. Cheers Martin
  9. Cheers - just getting used to these forum things, never even looked in banter! Right - money spent - 4 orders placed all recommended in this thread.... thanks Got to go now, my beloved and tolerant other half thinks it's her turn... we are off to town (fortunately all shuts at 4 though round here on Sundays) TTFN Martin
  10. So..... last bit then I'll leave this thread alone (running out of cash rapidly ) Night vision. I know it's expensive, but is it any good? I quite like the idea and I think it would be very good on one of my permissions for not attracting attention. Might rig a cheap option of 0 lux video camera attached to scope (as seen in some excellent videos on this forum) I presume the range on the real thing is where they come into their own. Cheers Martin
  11. :icon_redface: Thats the problem with copy and paste :icon_redface: I didn't test it before I posted. Having said that..90 deg, you have seen me on the range haven't you lol
  12. phantom, have a look at this price - might have to wait a week or two but that's how long the torch will take!! http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.31871 Now, which charger.......! Martin
  13. Just found Dealextreme.com - look at this lot, then check out the other stuff... resist.... resist.... I can't http://www.dealextreme.com/search.dx/search.bike%20mount
  14. Hi I have a carbon fibre shrouded barrel so I will not be attaching a clamp to the barrel to fit the torch. It will have to be a "8" clamp on the scope tube, but I wanted something quick release or I will have to get a bigger gun bag Found this as mentioned above with the velcro, not ideal for me, but an option when all else fails. It is a bike mount! It might allow fitting to my V-Mach cylinder http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bike-Cycle-Velcro-Torch-Mount-Bracket-Clamp-Holder-/150440470996?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Cycling_Bike_Lights&hash=item2306f369d4#ht_1399wt_1137 Might sui
  15. Just looked at that item again Phantom, it's HK not US, priced in US$... Is the HK and China stuff OK, some people not too happy with it, particularly some of the rechargeable batteries?
  16. Thanks again guys that's great. I was looking at this.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lamping-Hunting-Sporting-Air-Gun-Rifle-Torch-Light-Set-/160431132719?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Camping_LightsLanternsTorches&hash=item255a70d02f#ht_5417wt_1165 (hoping I got the link right) But a lot of cash and the mount will not fit my gun! (scope tube is 25mm) so it would have to be something similar. I have never got anything from the USA side of the site before - I presume you have had no problems or you would not be recommending it. Very good prices considering the exchange rate and postage.
  17. Thanks again Phantom. (I should really change my name now I've sold my tin tent lol ) Anyway, Birds of prey.... we have had a few round here recently, one HUGE Buzzard or something like that, and a few other smaller ones. I'm watching them while out looking for bunnies and thinking how good they look and how nice to see them back....doh... never made the connection :wallbash: :wallbash: Well someone did mention a steep learning curve Searching for a suitable light now (before someone tells me how great night vision is ) Cheers Martin
  18. Last few questions... Does the weather make much difference? I presume they have to eat whatever the weather. What time do they normally come out? One of my permissions has people all over it until it goes dark, another is quiet all the time. Do other animals make any difference, ie on one of my farms there are sheep and cattle. On another, a few horses.
  19. Cheers I thought animals were supposed to be colour blind, how does having different colours on your lamp help. And if dim is better, why buy a torch with a 100m range? Probably stupid questions, but if I don't ask I am only guessing And do you walk round shining the lamp about until you see one or do you wait up and put the lamp on from time to time to see what's about? Thanks
  20. Thanks guys, that's a good start. More questions... Why would a lamp want to be dimmed? Why would you use coloured filters? Sorry Rob, probably me, couldn't find a link to the light you mentioned. I think my scope is fairly decent for this, a 3.5-10x40 Simmons Whitetail Classic. Seems to work quite well as the light goes. Does it matter what you wear at night? Thanks again, it'll soon be dark and I'll be taping a maglite to my rifle
  21. Hi folks. I came back to air gunning earlier this year and since then I have been working on getting my shooting back up to scratch and getting permissions. Now that the nights are drawing in I need to learn how to shoot bunnies in the dark. I have searched the forums for topics, but while a lot of people talk about their successful night out, they don't say how they do it or with what kit. So if you could help me please.... what works for you? Do you use night vision (if so what)? Do you lamp (again what kit)? How bright, do you just dazzle them or is it general illumination? D
  22. Hi Polecat3, Can I have first refusal please. I have a Weihrauch HW100 with a V-Mach cylinder on it, and because of this the Weihrauch silencer will not fit - it is slightly too fat!! I have been told the PH MM1 is slimmer and will probably fit. As you have both, I would be obliged if you could compare the two and let me know. Thanks Martin PS I am South Cumbria - which part of Lancashire are you?
  23. Hi I had a similar problem with a scope on a springer. The fix was to unscrew the grub screw holding the zoom ring in place and push the zoom ring forward. This exposed 3 tiny grub screws that held the reticle in place an sure enough two were loose. Tightened these up the reticle was rock solid. The scope then needed re-zeroing but after that was fine. Hope this helps in your case. Martin
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