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Everything posted by tinytiger

  1. Give a shout down some evening if you want.Are ye back doing a bit yet?
  2. Same idea, Bitcoin etc. was probably some scheme to lure people in to it/normalize it. Central bank digital currency seems the obvious next step, cash is only king as long as the bank/government day it is-otherwise it's paper with c**ts faces on it. (They seem to be fairly obviously running every currency into the ground)
  3. Nah European countries importing blacks and racing them against each other is stunning and brave.
  4. Can't seem to post them. Megamoocher probably had a few of the dog.
  5. 2 off trigger megamoocher.(both dogs)
  6. tinytiger


    I suppose a lot of the crowd she associates with are into 10 year old boys(what she looks like)- so you'd never know.
  7. It's been designed that way.Not their first rodeo (the elite)_might be their 22nd one.They study the cycles of history,the rise and fall of empires and are trying to manipulate the factors that ensure their own continued power and survival.One of those factors is moving large tribes of people to countries they don't have any traditional association to. Same idea as the guy in the bible who moved all the Israelites to Babylon - enslave people in their own country -only a matter of time until they rebel.
  8. They definitely can, guy I used know -that's his job(and you and you're phone don't even have to be in the same country as them).(Maybe it's different in Ireland -phone/tech companies pay fuk all tax here -so maybe it's some kind of deal between them and the government.
  9. Ryan is an obvious target, I remember last election ,Mary Lou and Indian faggit arguing over which of them would bring in the biggest carbon tax. Hang the whole lot of them with the 1 rope.
  10. There is 1 who is beating all of them,embarrassing them even. Jakob ingebrigtsen from Norway. Mcsweyn of Australia a medal contender in anything he enters also.Charlie hicks of Britain might give a reason to cheer over the next few years (kind of On the border of breaking into "super elite" territory at the moment ).
  11. DNA studies would suggest you're wrong.(at least for rural people ,whose all 4 grandparents were from the same place as them).What are Welsh and Cornish people if not Britons.
  12. Plenty white men able to beat him. I'd be a similar age to him and was big into distance running in my youth - I'd have been aware of him since he was 15 or so-nothing about him suggested future Olympic champion. (Similar talent level or less, to Dave Bedfords son, who never represented Britain as far as I know).Suspicious how he stopped winning once he stopped being coached by Salazar.
  13. An Irish guy called Martin McDonough,lived in England most of his life but represented Israel when he was running himself,I think( wife Jewish).Coached i collegiate track in the U.S at one time.
  14. I might be able to find out the truth of this, I know an old guy who used to coach him as a youngster.Used think the guy was maybe a teller of tall tales when I first met him,then he had Jonah lomus sister with him in the pub one day.(coached athletes all over the place -remarkable guy -90+ now but sharper than most 20 year olds.
  15. Knighthood for all illegals before they depart for Rwanda?
  16. Yeah he is,his real surname is kemal (Turkish)and his first name is fukin Boris. Other side of him is Russian jewish.
  17. Apparently the healthiest possible kids a person can have is with their 3rd cousin.I'm from a rural village in Ireland,most people there would be at least that much related to me(2 lines though ,farmers and cottiers/working class,no outcrossing between them until around 1990.)
  18. Its at 65%(roughly) in the pedigree Jeemes put up,(and no new blood added since). How many generations is it being worked out over? (Makes a big difference)
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