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Everything posted by tinytiger

  1. A South African got in to Ireland that way,locked up for raping a woman now
  2. Cracking pair of pups, is it all terrier and beagle in them(or a bit of spaniel too)..
  3. Fine pups, is there a bit of deerhound in the lurcher.
  4. Jo Cox? I doubt Tommy Mair had anything to do with it(or even knew who she was)
  5. Well worth it for the money,(top class breeding(snooty girl on both sides -going back to pure old school carved up close) imagine one of them over a leggy coursing greyhound bitch in year's to come lol.There should be some hunting drive in them I'd say. Hope you get a good home for him.
  6. Think there was a man martinhalli used to post on here, anything to his,(think his were off a brother of brian). Are they dogs or bitches,best of luck with them anyway
  7. Recent march in Dublin.
  8. Elvis's 'wicked stepmother' who was accused of sullying his reputation with muck racking books after his death has died | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Dead at the age of 88 at her home in Nashville, Tennessee, Davada 'Dee' Stanley Presley was the second wife of Elvis's dad Vernon, but as far as... plenty bad blood there for years. He's obviously going to make the most controversial claims possible in order to sell his book
  9. Are they all off that Brian dog you had?. Is he still about
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct3UAGioJeu/
  11. I remember that Russian sub, the Kursk - quite a different reaction.- Don't remember if they ever recovered it..
  12. Given where he from ,I'd be wondering if the judge was a member of the same "secret society " as him.. I'm on his group on fb - don't really post on it - he seems a nice enough man just very naive about technology and seems anxious want impress total strangers... I've a friend the same - I keep telling him to send nothing on messenger that you wouldn't show cops/SPCA (no talking to him though)
  13. Where were they for sale on fb?
  14. Cruel weather all day.on a fas scheme sweeping roads all day - in my other job now (security)- hopefully rain keeps all the junkies away
  15. Amess killed by a Somali nutter, I doubt we'll ever know who killed cox. (Except that its not the harmless half wit,who's locked up for it)
  16. One of my best friends is McAllen from Kerry, drank a bottle of that with him one evening.3rd bottle between us that day. Were supposed to be watching some regatta' took us a long time to realise we were in the wrong place.
  17. Didn't see them, you'd them taken down before I saw them. Meets Peter on the bus the whole time _he was saying he's a very good watchdog (he kinda reminded me of the blue kunt as a pup_didnt want to say it in case you wouldn't take him lol). Very happy with my fella _keen as f**k _took more after trigger than the bitch
  18. There was a steeple Jack in Limerick Who broke his neck after tripping while putting on his shirt at top of stairs....Man working up 500foot most of his life. Fell off a fair few bikes myself drunk or drunk+tablets. Waking up next day with no idea where cuts n bruises came from,where my glasses were or where bike was lol.Got a bad fright in the end _gave up the cycling
  19. Oweing a shitload of money (to psychopathic people) for coke.
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