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Everything posted by tinytiger

  1. Would a welsh or small irish terrier do Neil?
  2. the colonel is a different fella, and there's pups about if your patientFcuk me sideways I never knew that, I've always assumed he was the same bloke and I've had a dog off him 19 year ago. Don't buy the CMW myself, but have read a few articles by the Colonel, similar writer to Plummer if I remember rightly, lot of knowledge on the history of all sorts of breeds. Always remember Hancock writing about using Linden Eland bred coursing greyhounds to produce his lurchers in the early days, wonder if they bother nowadays or if any old greyhound will dothem lines(english waterloo cup breeding)-are m
  3. Book -dawn of the dog by Janice kohler maznik.
  4. no proof that any dogs descend from wolves-id say they are the original unaltered/selected dog(why else do they look the same in africa,middle east,australia and america
  5. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ireland-s-first-animal-protection-drone#/ http://www.naracampaigns.org/nara-yearly-reviews.html
  6. Id be surprised to find the pykey dog thieves with the intellect to fly a drone,it takes 4 of them to work out how to bust a padlock and con a pensioner. Ya reckon ?They break into museums nowadays to rob a rhino horn. Working terrier = £200. 2 working terriers = £400 3 working terriers = £600. Each terrier = best in Ireland = gullible fools who'll buy it = 20,000. Cost of a drone = £400. Pilot of drone = 6 year old child = lets face it, a six year old can work an i-phone. Six working terriers @ 200 each = 1200 - the cost of a drone = 800 = some terrier lads waking up to a shock
  7. that eircode (post code) shite is worse-i had to get every address ive ever had for filling out a form for something(needed eircode too)-way too much information on it.
  8. Undesai and gonzales are like a pair of billy goats-cracking fight though
  9. tinytiger


    did opposite of what you said lol- fuk all on it though
  10. tinytiger


    Very short price though-ill get a few drinks into me before i make up my mind
  11. tinytiger


    Had a grand triple on ruby/mullins-anybody got any tips for today?
  12. youre not looking for a guard dog by any chance -lol
  13. Ive seen mainly plummer blooded dogs do 7 hours-theyre jet black though and wouldnt look out of place amongst your own-whole litter retrieve without being taught.Theres a word you used in the thread about breeding " catylist"-made an awful lot of sense to me-bred to a dog that would have thrown workers to a poodle(a patterdale obviously)
  14. Are they anything to your old dog?(the good worker that went sterile)..best of luck with them
  15. must have been over your head-chilling account of psychological science in the 1950s-dr ewan cameron etc
  16. f***ing sick I don't understand, why is that remark sick? a c**t puts it up as his profile pic rape is entertainment that whats f***ing sick Yes on it's own, it would be sick for the sake of entertainment, but this is part of a dramatised piece of fiction. Rape has been portrayed in hundreds of films & TV series, like the Accused with Jodie Foster for example, is that sick? The film might be rubbish, but I wouldn't describe it as sick... what else could one call pornography?
  17. How did they know thats what they took?i wonder how many thl users are on it lol
  18. Id be wondering why this came out now-probably trying to distract from some other (current)scandal.
  19. priests,nuns and gardai all from the same source-kids of big farmers.
  20. mate of mine was there -was he showed them where the graves were((9 or 10 year old kids digging their friends graves -starved,buggered worked nearly to death))--fuckers were as bad as nazis or ISIS.
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