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Everything posted by tinytiger

  1. yeah i think so.Anyone who thinks that billionaires like him ,with accents like that ,have your best interests at heart is seriously deluded.Id be anti E.U myself ,but wouldnt trust those fuccers as far as i could throw them. https://neilsandersmindcontrol.com/index.php/neils-blog/cambridge-analytica-part-three
  2. That includes Tommy Robinson though (media being owned by his Zionist handlers and all that)
  3. In America 30 years might be 30 generations or only 4.(Id have thought they'd be too small)
  4. I did one night while staggering home,couldn't remember next morning. I worked this out by myself as well(only got halfway as yer man though). http://www.greyhoundinfo.org/?page_id=612 . There's a lot more factors governing whether terriers are any good than heart size and blood volume though.
  5. all politicians in all countries are cnuts- someone should invent some potentially fatal childhood game that would attract people like that, and eliminate them from the population. (or alternatively send death squads around to any 13 year olds who write letters to the editor of newspapers(a brilliant indicator of future cuntishness))
  6. i seem to be locked out of it myself now as well(i dont have same email address anymore)
  7. Which ones\ plummer types? I've probably pictures of a lot as pups/ not all make it....the 2 best dogs I've bred are both virgins (2dogs with easy 1000 foxes killed between them)..one of them even won the plummer class in birr show .(Plummer people won't take the knock on bank balance that breeding to 1 of them would entail)(no stud fee)-but people will happily Jack on a hundred each to Plummer sired pups out of an average Russell bitch because he has "papers"
  8. grandmother of them there. (original o/c bitch d.b plummer bred to was down off curstopper)
  9. A friend of mine has one deerhound/wheaten hound-its about 12 or 13 now .very good dog.
  10. Maybe they were right - the older generation( just took a generation longer to happen than they thought).
  11. Used to be a similar tale about blue greyhounds -I.a put them in a bucket before they break your heart..I've trained dogs that make me believe there's a bit of truth in it but the most honest dog I put a lead on was also blue.
  12. Best I ever had was pitbull x plummer -came like a small pit (others threw to the terrier side, one came out like a whippet ).
  13. They have they're own localised breeds -dingo like. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telomian
  14. Some spot -easy get lost in it lol-place near enough it called halong bay (paradise )
  15. I think tis a dominant gene (dwarfism )-so if it's not there in the first place it wouldn't come out .what i saw of the crossbred ones i bred would say the same,-2 were bred off long legged 1 threw long legged pups and short legged one threw short legged pups (only saw photos of them though )
  16. Secretariat?(small ears = large heart)
  17. The dog I posted above was 50lb -and had littermates with long legs.
  18. For Trap (don't know how to send them in a message )
  19. Except he was in a different country than they're buried in.
  20. If a redneck Looney like jim Jones can do mind control -id say the u.s government definitely can.
  21. Glen /bull Russell patterdale /bull russell -accidental mating between 2 siblings (left 1 pup)
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