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Everything posted by tinytiger

  1. They just pick a few to make an example of,to make everyone else paranoid...Control what people can say and eventually you can control what they think....A police state is definitely on the way (which is why they are filling the country with jihadists,to create a civil war type situation and give them an excuse to increase their powers and decrease your rights)
  2. Saw one with a grand racc on her a few weeks back lol
  3. Would ye think there's a breeding population of them here. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/raccon-sightings-ireland-co-clare-13306284
  4. Which part of it is propaganda?
  5. Back around end of January ,coursing men make sure to lock their van incase someone try to put in a dog lol..best of luck with your litter (be some yokes for putting foxes to ground)
  6. Right job altogether. Youd get right good coursing bitches for fuk all.only cheap track bitches youd get are probably not following it.
  7. The grandchildren of the people who sent them men to their deaths. Then cuunts have about the same regard for the normal man on the street as they would for a rat. Mogg and his mates stand to make billions.
  8. There's a guy im friends with on Facebook who has his own line of Irish wolfhound ,mamalute,wolf mixes..he's been breeding them since 1960s. Seriously impressive animals,I think he's managed to breed out most of wolf temperament..
  9. They were working for the queen as well.(if mi5 had the no.3 guy in Sinn Fein working for them since 1983 at least(Denis Donaldson)),whose to say they hadn't gotten all the way to the top..Nice little bit of practice/war game on their doorstep.
  10. I think Jackson was castrated .(not normal for a man to be able to hit high notes like that,)
  11. Isn't a groundhog around the size of a big rabbitt?
  12. 24 minutes of lies and horseshit (evil satanic cnuts the lot of them)
  13. watch the film pinnochio -the more lies he tells the bigger his nose gets (everything you need to know about them lol) walt disney was a bigtime nazi sympathiser
  14. the native people of u.k are yere only hope.I like Tommy Robinson and agree with almost everything he stands for (but you have to be suspicious of his allies,(same people that create migrants/refugees /invaders).Tony Blair,Gordon Brown,mArgaret Thatcher, and probably Boris Johnson (all fabian society members (theyre symbol is a wolf in sheeps clothing).The political class hate you,youre less than a rat to them (all they want is to trick you into voting for them) -same in this country (all cnuts on all sides).Even if ye do achieve some sort of brexit ,pakistanis and bangladeshis are still goin
  15. yeah i think so.Anyone who thinks that billionaires like him ,with accents like that ,have your best interests at heart is seriously deluded.Id be anti E.U myself ,but wouldnt trust those fuccers as far as i could throw them. https://neilsandersmindcontrol.com/index.php/neils-blog/cambridge-analytica-part-three
  16. That includes Tommy Robinson though (media being owned by his Zionist handlers and all that)
  17. In America 30 years might be 30 generations or only 4.(Id have thought they'd be too small)
  18. I did one night while staggering home,couldn't remember next morning. I worked this out by myself as well(only got halfway as yer man though). http://www.greyhoundinfo.org/?page_id=612 . There's a lot more factors governing whether terriers are any good than heart size and blood volume though.
  19. all politicians in all countries are cnuts- someone should invent some potentially fatal childhood game that would attract people like that, and eliminate them from the population. (or alternatively send death squads around to any 13 year olds who write letters to the editor of newspapers(a brilliant indicator of future cuntishness))
  20. i seem to be locked out of it myself now as well(i dont have same email address anymore)
  21. Which ones\ plummer types? I've probably pictures of a lot as pups/ not all make it....the 2 best dogs I've bred are both virgins (2dogs with easy 1000 foxes killed between them)..one of them even won the plummer class in birr show .(Plummer people won't take the knock on bank balance that breeding to 1 of them would entail)(no stud fee)-but people will happily Jack on a hundred each to Plummer sired pups out of an average Russell bitch because he has "papers"
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