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Posts posted by tinytiger

  1. On 01/04/2019 at 13:53, king said:

    Have a look at this gnasher.i often watch ted talks.

    And asked on here if anyone else watch's them.

    A good few watch them on here.

    And I forget who mentioned this 1.

    But it is very interesting and with you being interested in sports etc.

    It will be right up your street so to speak.


    Strychnine + brandy is a performance enhancer. (A once off thing for a very important race,because the dog/man will never run right again after)..Jesse Owens smoked 60 fags a day as well ,which makes him twice as impressive.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Meece said:

    That's a bit paranoid. There ain't enough plod to come out to burglaries let alone the knock on your door at five o'clock in the morning because you have an opinion on Brexit. If it was the case that we lived in a police state then they would have half the country to round up. To start with all the protesters up at Westminster camped out every day shouting and hollering one way or the other.  Relax no one is interested in your political opinions unless you are intending on being violent to someone.

    They just pick a few to make an example of,to make everyone else paranoid...Control what people can say and eventually you can control what they think....A police state is definitely on the way (which is why they are filling the country with jihadists,to create a civil war type situation and give them an excuse to increase their powers and decrease your rights)

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  3. 1 hour ago, shaneg said:

    Be hard to get a coursing bitch this time of year anything that’s left there keeping for next year and also I wouldn’t get a chance to work it till next season. If it’s no good I’ve to try again and again till I get one. Atleast this way I’ve got access to a very good foxhound bitch and found the stud dog that suits my needs and I’ve a 3/4 lurcher to fall back on if all else fails 

    Back around end of January ,coursing men make sure to lock their van incase someone try to put in a dog lol..best of luck with your litter (be some yokes for putting foxes to ground)

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  4. 3 hours ago, shaneg said:

    After a bit of searching I’ve found a coursing greyhound 85 pound weight  to line the bitch. I struck lucky with the second person I asked. A shooting man I head down to a couple of times a season to work my terriers on his permission. The dog has only been lightly worked before he started coursing but has had teeth and it didn’t faze him at all. 

    Right job altogether. Youd get right good coursing bitches for fuk all.only cheap track bitches youd get  are probably not following it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Lenmcharristar said:

    I truly believe that we’re getting shafted by our own scumbag ba$tards in Westminster and Brussels, ya know what they need to go to the war graveyards and apologise for the state this country  is in. Those fallen from wars to keep us free will be turning in their graves at the treachery going on in parliament.  I hope the spirits of the fallen haunt every last one of them that voted to stab us in the back 

    The grandchildren of the people who sent them men to their deaths. Then cuunts have about the same regard for the normal man on the street as they would for a rat. Mogg and his mates stand to make billions.

  6. There's a guy im friends with on Facebook  who has his own line of Irish wolfhound ,mamalute,wolf mixes..he's been breeding them since 1960s. Seriously impressive animals,I think he's managed to breed out most of wolf temperament..

  7. 2 hours ago, Balaur said:

    I think soldiers should be held responsible when they commit crimes , it's a bit suspect only finding a lower ranking Lance jack the only guilty party after his commander was obviously putting some fire in their bellies. What is rich is not prosecuting IRA terrorists and even putting them in government.  A point raised today on radio was that the bigger question was whether they could achieve a fair trial 50 years after the fact. 

    They were working for the queen as well.(if mi5 had the no.3 guy in Sinn Fein working for them since 1983 at least(Denis Donaldson)),whose to say they hadn't gotten all the way to the top..Nice little bit of practice/war game on their doorstep.

  8. 21 minutes ago, dogmandont said:

    If the likes of Mogg and Tommy Robinson are the uks only hope then hope has already been lost. 

    the native people  of u.k are yere only hope.I like Tommy Robinson and agree with almost everything he stands for (but you have to be suspicious of his allies,(same people that create migrants/refugees /invaders).Tony Blair,Gordon Brown,mArgaret Thatcher, and probably Boris Johnson (all fabian society members (theyre symbol is a wolf in sheeps clothing).The political class hate you,youre less than a rat to them (all they want is to trick you into voting for them) -same in this country (all cnuts on all sides).Even if ye do achieve some sort of brexit ,pakistanis and bangladeshis are still going to breed like rabbits (they knew exactly what they were doing when they let them in in the first place).i.e they want a civil war situation to break out - to give them an excuse to bring in a totalitarian police state (northern ireland was just a war game/practice)    


    (sorry ,read your post wrong Dogman dont)

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, dogmandont said:

    Is it true that Mogg moved his hedge fund business to Ireland after the brexit vote? 

    yeah i think so.Anyone who thinks that  billionaires like him ,with accents like that ,have your best interests at heart is seriously deluded.Id be anti  E.U myself ,but wouldnt trust those fuccers as far as i could throw them.


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  10. 1 hour ago, Glyn..... said:

    i know for sure no one has ever produced the blueprint and i'll just plod on a while longer with my fingers crossed , i just thought it was interesting , its almost 100 years since Breay started line breeding and who knows how long the fell blood he and Buck used had been line breed before that , when i first saw these terriers going into europe i thought they were wasting their money but for all the modern theory on terrier breeding it hasn't been , its just 30 years of no testing and they still got workers  its harder to find out the % of failures thou :) 

    In America 30 years might be 30 generations or only 4.(Id have thought they'd be too small)

  11. all politicians in all countries are cnuts- someone should invent some potentially fatal childhood game that would attract people like that, and eliminate them from the population. (or alternatively send death squads around to any 13 year olds who write letters to the editor of newspapers(a brilliant indicator of future cuntishness))

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