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Everything posted by tinytiger

  1. tinytiger


    Ever see anyone do a one armed chinup, from a dead hang(no holding wrist with other hand etc.) Twice have I ever seen it done (one was 11 years old, a younger sibling of 2 international athletes)
  2. Marxism is(internationalist),socislists like Proudhon would probably regarded as far right today.
  3. Was tethered according to newspaper .
  4. Was Tony Martin a senior counsel and golfing buddies with the judge.? Badger baiting shouldn't have been allowed to be mentioned in the trial. (Unless they had killed 1 that day,on phelans land).All an effort to blacken the deceaseds name in the eyes of the (presumably anti) jury.
  5. Showed jury videos off guys phone, probably from another day .I'd imagine there would have been lots of objections if the coke tramps slutty photos had been included in evidence in the mcgregor rpe trial. Going for a murder rather than a manslaughter conviction in the first place was suspicious
  6. No,(this is the legal expert, who decided that varadker hadn't broken the law when he did (passing confidential documents to his bum buddies ). Looking after each other (how Ireland works)
  7. Family of Keith Conlon ‘hurt and upset’ as law professor Diarmuid Phelan cleared of his murder WWW.IRISHTIMES.COM Jury took nearly seven hours to reach verdict after trial with potential costs of up to €2 million
  8. Got off with it Scott free. Legal profession +fine gael politicians looking after their own.
  9. I think there is a similar breed in patagonia or (Paraguay maybe).
  10. Swapped the lives of Wallace and Robert Bruce quite a bit in braveheart
  11. A friend had one about 10 years back,good enough dog for bushing but a cnt for starting fights with other dogs. I'd say they're all show bred
  12. A bias against small hat tribe?
  13. Got fired from work last Saturday for telling paki security guard in super value that him trying to move Irish beggars was bad optics, "theyre homeless ,because you're living in their house" ,(was also a bit pissed,always am).Probably they(politicians) went to same internships ,got bummed by same megalomaniacal weirdos.(W.E.F or other even worse ones we don't know about)
  14. Parallels in Ireland,,don't you think.. ? When will people stop electing people who should have been culled as obvious wrong un children.
  15. Council for foreign relations =Royal institute for international affairs.
  16. I think it was a different John, be hard writing it with his head cut off
  17. I reckon it's yuval Noah hariri (the antichrist). Viking and Hindu mythology say basically the same as revelation. (Ragnarok and the Kali yuga)
  18. Already happened in 1915.(lusitania sinking, Rhodes,Milner etc.)
  19. Remember that nurse that "killed herself "after getting tricked by some Australian radio show ,while Kate was pregnant in Hospital. (Sus as f**k)
  20. It's foreign pomp and ceremony that's been imposed on Britain at the British people's expense.
  21. Think you might be right. Got on a little too good with Jimmy.
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