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Everything posted by danny300

  1. free draw???? john lad i'll have a birra that.. your a decent chap lip tell us when an were i can pick it up!! :laugh: oih!! You keep them jimmy saville eye's off a that mirror, whos goin to fix it for you pm sent its mine
  2. stripes 3 fine terriers you had there
  3. Breed Age Crossbreed 1 year Lurcher bitch, First cross Greyhound Harrier.
  4. good pics again bud keep them coming
  5. the black and tan one on the left is the one i like the most plus in the summer the wee one walks her and the dogs walks to her side
  6. if in doubt keep your terrier out pretty simple
  7. good stuff breeder great to hear about borders getting started
  8. would be a bit different at night bud fox would be alot sharper for a dog at that age but the right way to start then day time Why would a fox be harder at night??? They don't bite harder or faster do they, they run different but once its caught its the same animal whether its day or night. what i mean if its after being dug the terrier would have taken a bit of wind out of him plus if hounds have run him for a bit. at night he is a bit fresher as he would not have been under the same pressure as in during the day
  9. would be a bit different at night bud fox would be alot sharper for a dog at that age but the right way to start then day time
  10. got my first terrier from this gentleman bobby and will never forget that day his dog bubbles was the sire to my first pup and he was a goodun
  11. think this pic is great would love it in colour
  12. took these pics from earth dog running dog mag that was out in june 1994. would have had the pleasure of been in the field with most of these gents and thats how i learned what i know today
  13. take the pup home and in a day or two you will have a name for it . if not call it lucky so if it makes the grade then its lucky lol
  14. very true bud and those who say it didn't happen to them are spoofing. happened me a long time ago dog [bANNED TEXT] in could not hear a thing waited most if the day and nothing would of needed a jcb to dig that one lol. went back the next morning and dog was sitting at the entrance waiting for me. that was 23 years ago
  15. good stuff bud was it daytime or night time
  16. coming on well fay best of luck with them
  17. why is that fay i put the work in front of my dogs so am i a keyboard hunter. you changed from the first post you put on this thread thaTS NOT GETTING AT U DANNY IF THATS WAT U TINK IM SAYING WHEN U PUT CERTAIN TINGS UP ON THIS FORUM U GET HAMMARD OF CERTAIN PEOPLE WHO ARE MOUTHS AND JUST LOOK FOR ARGUMENTS THATS ALL NO HARM :thumbs:
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