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Everything posted by optimus

  1. Trying out a new camera & it`s taking some getting used to
  2. Life is easier for me when i choose not just a dog but also a pal,
  3. Recall is the very basic of having any sort of control over your dog or the basis of any future relationship between you and your dog in the field. Tell you what i find to be startling,is that ihave watched so many owner`s who time & again simply fail at the recall training of dog`s they have owned since they were pup`s, yet i can watch on the tv someone who has trained sealion`s to juggle beach ball`s!!!! From the beginning i like to spend time with a litter & watch the pup that appeal`s to me & i to it. This is the only advice i freely give, MAKE SURE YOU LIKE YOUR DOG & IT L
  4. If you want the easiest way simply open an account with photobucket & upload your photo`s from your PC on to there. When you wish to post simply start your reply on here then have your photobucket account open & your picture you wish to post has a URL code on the screen. Click on it once, it will flash COPIED then return to the forum & right click & hit PASTE to add the photo to the post. Preview it by hitting More Reply Options & that will show if your post has gone to plan. Photobucket will resize your photo`s automatically so you dont have to use any edit or resize appli
  5. Recall can really begin whatever the age. Some dog`s are naturally suited to the recall other`s more of a free spirit but recall really starts when the dog is surrounded by distractions such as other dogs. Every dogs different some learn easily others it must be taken over a period of time or parrot fashion as i term it.Often ive heard people scoff at offering titbits to encourage the recall & i have never understood that, iam no stranger to having a bag of tit bits of cheese when i need to reinforce a quicker recall. However if the dog is mature ,has been allowed to run riot by a poor han
  6. Walk over some moorland down the M74 the other day
  7. bonnie dog that. Screams Saluki, but a little part of me sees collie, even if I know im wrong. Do you still have this dog by the way? He was with me on Thursday & he`s sleeping in the living room just now. He is all saluki/greyhound with a tad hardblood whippet & more saluki
  8. Day out on Thursday over the border to see the keeper & sort permission
  9. And here is Ozzie with the coat shaved off
  10. how was ozzie bred Ozzie is Barney x Penny. Here`s Ozzie
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