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Everything posted by optimus

  1. Whatever you do you must do it quickly. Electric collar can work but whatever you do it must rock that dogs world to associate sheep with a very negative experience. Some dogs are broken easily to stock. Some need tougher handling but its a mistake to think because you walk a pup through sheep on a leash they are ok as thats a different scenario to sheep running away from the dog THATS WHAT TRIGGERS THE DOG THE PREY INSTINCT OF THE CHASE & THE PANIC IT SENSES FROM SHEEP!! I used to herd them into the fields corner & allow them to run past my dog but simply walking through sheep or alo
  2. That is the probably the most important point in dealing with a situation like this is it preys' on your mind and dog's are liable to pick up on your negative mindset.Years past I would have ruined any relationship between myself and such an animal with being too heavy handed in dealing with it. Always I advocate putting the dog back in the kennel when having a bad day and coming back when you have a clear mind. However such an animal does need to get out and blow off some steam, so its a catch 22 situation. What was the most important issue of my own similar situation was that I really lik
  3. I have a similar problem with one of mine & to be honest sometimes the fitter you get them you are not tiring them out but rather creating a more athletic version of a noisy animal. Maturity & a hard days work on a cold winters day can settle many a problem dog, but it can be exhausting having such an animal. Hopefully it will settle given time & patience but dogs are often as individual as people so i wish you luck. However on the point of punishing such behavior beware of creating a rift between you both, i know a man who used to come flying out his backdoor at noise from his dog
  4. Wee trip down South to see how mates dogs are doing & coming along... The craic makes it easier in the summer months...
  5. he does don't he , he looking great Dave what he make 26in cheers ray 27
  6. and pictures Phil, you've got to have pictures I agree in that a post with a pertinent photo does make it easier to put a face to the subject. However some photos as with the written word raise my eyebrows. WHOEVER said the camera does not lie was no photographer as the angle, stance of a dog can make it look stunning or a bag of shit. The written word is important in getting the true point across & some of the spelling i read is quite ridiculous but as Phil says the most important thing "it`s what he writes" that matters. Some of the writing`s & publication`s of the past were of
  7. It`s a bit of fun if you enjoy it for what it is, but many get a bit too serious over a 50pence rosette. Wouldnt worry myself over being precise as to the true percentage`s of the parentage(unless say its a bull class for example) as you hear some nonsense from many owners about their dogs. Myself i cant remember any owner telling me that their dog was anything less than the real deal when out in the field & who was i to argue,its a beauty contest no more, no less . Myself i look for the dog i wanted to take home, but opinions are like arseholes(everybody has one) & 1 mans meat is anot
  8. It`s when i hear about "sazuki crosses". That gets on my nerves
  9. The story i heard whether right or wrong was that it was slug pellet`s?
  10. Was Brighorn (Snipers sire)bred from Tepe De Gawra? yes tepe gawra and durak Cheers
  11. Was Brighorn (Snipers sire)bred from Tepe De Gawra?
  12. There are deer dog`s & there are dog`s that take deer, the difference is in the mental attitude of the dog to get the job over quickly whether that be in the open or woodland. Most dog`s will take to the job/indeed many develop a real taste for it & i think this is the predator/prey instinct of an animal in distress that encourage`s buck fever as i call it,. However taking deer become`s a ragged affair for many dog`s especially when 2 or more dog`s are involved be that by accident or design & no sensible hunter should enjoy suffering & the very vocal affair which tends to occur
  13. Genuine first crosses from a saluki to a greyhound or a whippet(pedigree or hardblood) are always smooth. However further crossing from genuine half crosses will throw some with saluki feathering. There is always someone who will pop up & claim they have one but the key word is genuine when talking about first crosses. Often it is simply a case of what the vendor has told them about the breeding of whatever they are selling
  14. When you say whippet i have seen some decent animals from this cross & owned a saluki x hardblood whippet(racing line`s with greyhound blood) I found them to be ideal dogs for a variety of tasks. Indeed the best bitch i have owned & still have at 8yrs was from this cross. The only thing i found an issue was the variety of size in the litter even though the hardblood dam was 23inches there was 1 bitch that only made 19 half inches but they are certainly a cross that i would consider if in the market for a pup
  15. That is a happy looking wee pup, i like that
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