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Everything posted by Borat

  1. Still, you could enrich the Leopards/Tigers lives with a fox to hunt courtasy from a cage trap from via the penguin enclosure...
  2. I like Bantam Modern Game.. My mother used to show Moderns in the 's, they're quiet/docile and a lot less flighty than OEG Bantams that's for sure..
  3. They look nice birds mate.. But, I would'nt say they are Shamo, please dont think I'm being rude but they look northern Indian/Pakistani Aseel to me.. Hope I've not offended you, but still nice birds like I said..
  4. There the same size as American Hatch stuff, one cock is 6lb ish.. Good hight fliers..
  5. Only chickens.. ? So what ! You dont steal any persons pride and joy, they've spent there hard earned money and some c**t just takes it.. I've spent £1000's on my stock, even Importing stock from out of Europe/Brazil, I've refused 4 grand for one of my Taiwan stags... Mate, check Wakefield travalers site, a few year's ago some Orientals turned up there from via Birmingham..
  6. If your on facebook look me up, I'm about to be banned.. Ricky Ryan O'niel

  7. ......I Want To break Free...... That PoP Video turned me on..
  8. Naaaaaw matey you live to far away. I'll have to check out these Poofy Fallow when I'm next in Camarthen then..
  9. Watch it now fellas, the Beddy/Whippet fan club think they're be able to hunt Big Pussy now..
  10. Your too Interlectual for the thick like's of little old me.. :(

  11. My South American Game, Brazilian stuff but bred from mixed American/Mexican Lines.. I did have 6 pairs but just cut down to the two pairs, one pair produced a "Hennie" featherd cock last year.
  12. Well I'm thick then, as I do sarcasm...

  13. I love a Micky take, and I'm free for Birthdays and BBQ's..

  14. Borat


    Who cares, it's just a few words on a computer screen.. They dont affect your personal life, so dont worry !! As for me, I fall out with myself and like being a Wind up Merchent and Urine Extracter..
  15. Before I moved to Thetford, I worked on an Estate in Wittersham on the Kent/East Sussex borders.. (Wich shared a border with Paul McCartney's land).. I used to shoot the odd Boar with a .308.. The Boars (males) tend to taste to strong when over 2-3 years old, So we just used to turn those into sausages.. Brede in E.Sussex is good too.. Roe kids/Hare Leveretts dont survive long in areas with a large Boar population.. Infact the populations crashed, but Fallow seem to do okay still though ?
  16. I like the Sarcasm.. ;)

  17. Howdy, do you keep oriental gamefowl too matey ?

  18. It's a Bullshit world, I see through you..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Borat


      Aww Your so special x

    3. Ideation


      So your mum keeps telling me. . . .

    4. Borat


      Aww bless you child..

  19. It just makes a Terrier run faster.. And pull down Fallow single handed.. But off topic, I've seen some good Bedlington/Greyhound mixes run Quarry really well..
  20. Vedo che hai usato un traduttore? E 'il Lazio dielect ,ho scritto Napoletani dielact ..

    E io sono un gentiluomo, grazie

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