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Everything posted by ziggy

  1. should be good show Adam..ill have the littlen next week to girlfriends being induced on Monday... Keeper pal sent me a little spade for him lol
  2. don which dog you took in ... I canny remember.. Hope it was bob as I don't have a pic of him.. Put pic up ...
  3. f***ing pakies at it again.. Stepdaughter s 3 friends were ther last night she is upset as she carnt contact them .. Hope to god ther ok...just go to show that not even ower children are safe... Hope it triggers something now ether get the fuckers out or we all stand together an do ower own justice.. f***ing Islam what a joke...
  4. Tb25 f**k sake .. What a f***ing statement..these paki c**ts new what they were doing. What if it was someone you new??? Bet you wouldent have come out with that ridiculous statement...
  5. Does it matter tank34 .. If he wants to sell it up to him .. To Manny dogs get pts as 90 percent of them have nob head owners who show off in company.. Just my opinion as I have witness to Manny dogs that has failed in one mans yard and gonna be pts but given another chance in another yard an turned out cracking dogs
  6. Got told of an old man that when the lads came back from the war they had fetched some blacks dogs back from Germany .. Dont no how true it is ... But looking at some old pics both lakie,fell terrier does look similar to the jag ... I have had a few beers tonight lol
  7. Haha lukey...told ya id take you on ...lol
  8. Got asked to judge a show 5 years ago and when the russle class came up a lad who I classed as I good friend an digging partner came in the ring with his dog.. I dident pick his dog as he thought I would have.. I never saw him after that day he fell out with me for not picking his dog.. 10 years of friendship gone ... Dont no why folk take it to hart lol
  9. Also saw a nearly all blue \ slate coloured fox bolt out of a rock pile with my old man .
  10. Dillydog dug 4 foxes out of the same earth in Hereford with markings just like that cub few years ago .. 3 dogs an a vixen..
  11. No katchum not me.. dunno who is judging the show to be honest..
  12. Remember lads say the hunt life when you arrive an Adam will buy a pint for you haha hope you got deep pocket adam?
  13. Rat face dont need a quote you owe me a pint haha ill mention the hunt life for my second pint lol ?
  14. Haha ? send me his number bud by pm I GIs him a bel.. Lol last time I saw him was when he gave me that new bulldogs shovel he had an never yoused lol ?
  15. Katchum you getting brighty to go Adams show been adges since we all got together lol
  16. Was thinking the exact same black dog...
  17. You still got it Dan I am interested cheers
  18. Don be good crack to catch up if your coming down to Adams .
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