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About treatitwithrespect

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  1. watch a bunch of self opinionated individuals talk about how good their wee gang is some of these things really do upset me as they give stalking a bad name. I have not seen whose doing the speaking but i wonder if they knew how bad these clubs are would they speak at them so freely. shame,
  2. The reason behind Dmg was and is as you stated, for all to get back some basic skills and learn the whole aspect of the role. i 100% agree that its not been done that way and by all accounts it will not be. Shooters of all levels should be allowed to join in, land with equal access rights, learn to survey study and identify issues relating to the area and co-ordinate with the land agents managers and estates. Hold open days for novices, teach and learn from each other. start to trust rather than constantly shoving knifes in your back at the first opportunity. I agree Rake About to a
  3. Ha ha, One has to wonder if you know what the truth is Mr D Quarrel. Do you actually live in the real world Walter or have you told that many lies your now unable to tell whats truth and fiction. Well Mr Mitty If this Mr Norton takes you to court again but this time for slander of his character i think more will help him than you. Heh you you already know that feeling. From what i have been told, you don't what real life is, is it not the case that you borrow items then cant return them or pass them on to others. Is it not also the case that you attempt to sell others good too...
  4. hello, stalker of 15 years l1 l2 fit and competent quad and first aid tickets f,
  5. well well seems as one door closes another opens, shame that freedom of speech only exists as long as it complies with the powers at be, and the boys club. LOWLAND DEER NETWORK SCOTLAND - DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Richard Cooke (Chair) ADMG (Angus) Dick Playfair (Secretary) ADMG (Edinburgh) Jamie Hammond SNH (Lowlands Officer) David Quarrell SLDMG (Lanarkshire) Robert Sharp Vocational Stalker (Renfrewshire) Alex Hogg SGA (Peebleshire) John Bruce BDS/Farmer (Perthshire) James Johnston Farmer, (Lanarkshire) Derek Kneller NLDMG (Lanarkshire) Jim Govan Vocational Stalker (Ayrshire) I
  6. Hello guys and gals just a wee hello. Look forward to posting a few notes. Be it good or bad I will have my say ha ha. then take it back on the chin.... i will get it wrong and i will get it right. You will rip me and i will deserve it ha ha I will post a pic and i will post a video via you tube... All praise welcome as is critisism. I have am erm my level one but does that make me an expert... NO YES NO YES depends on what side of the fence your on.. Treat it with respect
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