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daves dogs

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Posts posted by daves dogs

  1. love the look of the rough haired one. what cross is this

    hes a saluki x bedlington 18 m old

    pure first cross between saluki x bedlington or has it got whippet or greyhound in it. how tall? how does it work and what sort of things can it catch? could it do pre ban stuff like long eared rabbits or charlies? :thumbs:

    its got grey in him yes hes had long eared bunnys and iv not had him out for them yet theres none here were i live got to travel for them

  2. nise that mate whats the breed :thumbs:

    lurcher x bullgray i think got her on monday shes not eaten till yesterday when i got hir bro


    I'm not surprised going with the way your holding the dog for the photo. Fucksake, the thing is terrified. Hope the photo was worth it.

    i was holding it like that bcoz she see next door f*****g cat this is her out

  3. ryt m8t yes put her with your dogs and see if that works or if its possible get her brother and that shud do the trick



    Why would getting her her brother help??!!" So that you can just take him away from her again. ThaT solves nothing mate. Dont just stick her in the kennels with the others. Get them out together first in the field. Lead walk them all together, let her brush next to the other dogs as you walk along, holding the lead in the same hand...


    Dont force anything into her mouth, it will do the dog no good, only spook her of the stuff your trying to feed her... As long as she is taking water, and not dehydrating, she will be ok. You say she takes out of your hand, well thats how it will have to be till she gets used to the idea that your not always going to do this... You've only had her a few day pal, take your time. Dont change her life to much, dont force anything on her, and dont throw her into a world of strange dogs, she obviuosly isnt ready for a massive change, break her in slowly ...

    hi kid thanks for your reply im getting her bro to keep so that help her she is a lovly dog

  4. hi try her on some chiken get her some build up stuff and try putting some food in her mouth so she gets the tast of it she will start to eat [bANNED TEXT] shes hungrey atb mlb

    she eats out of my hand but shes not eating out of her dish water not a lot give her chiken laterthanks love for your reply

  5. can any 1 help iv got 2 dogs just got a new 1 shes about 5m old got her on monday shes not eating a thing or had a crap

    she has not come out of her kennel do i put her with my dogs to bring her out of her self she lived with her bro then i got her what do i do ? she is a nice dog

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