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Everything posted by EPTR

  1. What you dont want to disagree with that last indepth post then Bill, it must sting a bit reading all that ..so no back doored dogs then thought as much, anymore propaganda you'd like me to deflect? ..
  2. bill you made your piont years ago...no pedigrees no clubs no no idea
  3. Your easily insulted..arent you? Knowledge comes with experience something I have more than anyone in plummers which insecure peeps may read as a brag. I say a fact. Hence plummer asked me to write the history of the modern plummer for his none published drivel of a book...of course i refused due to the contents. "Trying to give the big I am" nope telling all that old time meddlers who think that the breed is made up of f2s and jr's like vandal ..are the correct type as you seem to think he was and his crippled offspring were is wrong . We have come along way from them days Bi
  4. Any profits pay for the upkeep of the pack and the running of the eptr, but i have said why i breed...so need to carry on . As for the clubs and what you can do for them ..your right you cant bring anything to a club hence your not part of any! As for sneeking in back doored dogs ..they are which ones actualy? or is this another white lie and another bit of your propaganda.. "your show"..you mean the epts club show ? which,has a restrictions as do all properly run clubs..whats hard to understand about that ?..yes we dont allow black dogs in the ring or plummer f1s or out that resem
  5. As far as im aware you never have never been a member of any plummer related club FACT..so have no shout about how they should be run. Should any clubs listen to the bleatings of outsiders who wish to change rules to suit their own ideas?...nope..To have a say join in join a club have a vote otherwise keep stum surely should be the motto here. Insecurity is YOUR escape from a sitution not mine ..otherwsie you'd be brave enough to join a club ..but obviuolsy not brave enough as you may well be voted against. Me childish ..now who was the first to ridiclue?.... you were bil
  6. Orders are piling in but i dont breed for them i breed for me and the breed. As for mocking anyone who works their plummers please show me when ..never..as for discouraging earth work..again show me . You should not be saying " you have nothing to offer us " ..its what memebers can do for a club not what we can do for you....but in some cases theres just takers and no givers... Im gald that you go it aloneers are doing your own thing, clubs dont bend rules for those of your ilk ..belive me carry on ..doing your own thing...but I think the mocking of us for keeping records running
  7. Converting the irish ... success breeds succsess orders are piling in But.starting an attack on clubs and pedigrees etc etc and backing out when drawn out on his views ..shows the strenght of the discussion Bill could muster. Not alot ...again and again ,, and as kepler said I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses." -..as found here.
  8. The artfull dodger ..has no answer
  9. Like I said ...Bills stuff is in alot of the plummers .. Some of you need to read the post properly ive never mentiond any dogs ability (as i have no need they all work well and it would be belittling my own stock) ..what I did was defend myself, pedigree genuine plummer terriers and the clubs from outsiders who in some cases have never owned a plummer terrier but bred from f1s which every lurcher man in the country with half a brain does, every year. Such dabblings hardley a plummer terrier, but a start and thats just it ingredients to pedigree plummers. Having taken your suggestio
  10. read it again steve three litters a year at most ever! and yes it pays to be able to sell your stock..and thnaks to the countrymans weekly i have alot of calls at week resulting in a large waiting list. you must find it hard breeding in the van on the road with that massive houndy lurcher wife kids and terriers ..ever feel like settling down ? op.s pm me with your wifi dongal detaisl it most be great setup you have to be ble wonder around and still get broadband...the recption here is shite! is that aimed at me glen im goldfinch not fireman.leave my background out of it :censored
  11. read it again steve three litters a year at most ever! and yes it pays to be able to sell your stock..and thnaks to the countrymans weekly i have alot of calls at week resulting in a large waiting list. you must find it hard breeding in the van on the road with that massive houndy lurcher wife kids and terriers ..ever feel like settling down ? op.s pm me with your wifi dongal detaisl it most be great setup you have to be ble wonder around and still get broadband...the recption here is shite!
  12. these are terriers not racehorses you can talk some sh1te you can. When Plummer tried to tell the committee of the jr club when he was chairman alittle about genetics he used gregor mendles pea experment ..you've just said what they said "these are terriers not peas!! " there retourt was our luck as he then went his own way and started work on the breed... Cleanspade now I know why you have legion stuff !!! ..how we laughed
  13. try telling her that! I used an apbt stud only because i couldnt locate a full bred working plummer here in ireland,her previous litter were by a plummer(ballina flynn) and i wanted to try something different.The half siblings were put over each other and i have 4 month pups that nobody could distinguish from a fullbred plummer and are showing all the right signs.I didnt just use any pitbull-searched long and hard ,maybe looked at 20 different studs until i found the one i wanted.Ive had no problems with dog aggression/kennel fights and have had more than 1 to ground at once. if you want t
  14. Care to enlighten us to whose these dogs were and how they were bred? ..or did they just look like Plummers bit like Bill the f1 kings dogs loookky likeys . Funny you should say this about Plummers I had exactly the same experinace with a couple of nuttals terriers ..then again they may have been dwarf labradores as they were just black terriers..lol...
  15. try telling her that! I used an apbt stud only because i couldnt locate a full bred working plummer here in ireland,her previous litter were by a plummer(ballina flynn) and i wanted to try something different.The half siblings were put over each other and i have 4 month pups that nobody could distinguish from a fullbred plummer and are showing all the right signs.I didnt just use any pitbull-searched long and hard ,maybe looked at 20 different studs until i found the one i wanted.Ive had no problems with dog aggression/kennel fights and have had more than 1 to ground at once. if you want t
  16. f1s nice one bill your speciality Thats the punchline? You forgot the icon,which would have made it even more witty and cutting. You constantly resort to childish insults when your Outlandish and spurious claims are questioned- the "mother ship"of the plummer terrier? Get real ffs. Masterbaker was almost the correct claim. Your posts invariably make such claims as-"bred more plummer terriers than anyone alive or dead". You then say that you only breed when you want a pup-"say 3 or 4 litters per year". Inconsistant at best. You also the have the front to criticise other folk for b
  17. years ago just after the parson got recognised met a man at crufts who had a nice parsons who was the sec of the fell and moorland worked the dogs sisters and parents with a hunt ..says enough for me.
  18. f1s nice one bill your speciality
  19. When then, does a dog become a plummer? When you say so?? :rofl: :rofl: A masterbaker-now youre THE MOTHER SHIP??? you are taking the piss are'nt you glenn? This is a wind up surely! Come on-lets have the punch line! Plummers have pedigrees and they derive from clubs, not from memory but written facts so its not when I say its what they are ..why Bill? dont etll me you have yet more foxterrier russlly crossses for us. Have your had a resurgence of f1s for us to save the bred from this minute genepool..
  20. Certainly is an aim of both the clubs as far as I'm aware and I have no personal problems in having another body involved with the breeders. Policing the muppets is difficlut and more police the better. The day/year the breed is recognised will not see my terriers stop working, they dont know they have been recognised and I presume my mates dogs will be the same. We have always had medlars wanting to breed for money ..you have bull blooded dogs which is no doubt legion bred ..say no more.
  21. Tiny well crack on and do your own thing everyone to is own . im sure you will endevour to breed what you want and am glad they arent marketed as Plummers.I would imagine every breed has recessives that crop every now and again..as far as bicoloured terriers go they dont get a pedigree now..they are few and far between as are the pale nosed dogs,old time diseases etc ..thanks to clubs and pedigrees. Bill I bake fine breds for everyday use not luxury cakes for the weekends,I will leave that to the lads who seek out every single plummer class at every show going..then ridicule the KC lol.
  22. i can gaurantee you that no genuine digging man in ireland(i mean genuine,not the rest)would have a plummer dog in their yard.they never have or will stick the pace of long digs of many hours over many seasons.they maybe fine to kill a few rats and hunt some cover but they are not working dogs. ive had plummers to ground 4,5, hours.They have an awful name over here in ireland so there must be some shite ones knocking about.I got mine from a guy in ballinasloe co.galway-best 200euro i ever spent.Unfortunately she got run over by my brother in the yard about a year back.I bred two litters
  23. Don't think clubs have anythig to do with any dogs working ability like Tiny says keeping pedigrees is worthwhile. Theres not many breeders of working terriers offering any pedigrees of any value with any working terriers, anywhere nuttal for one so breed clubs provide a service and a bit of hope . Many working animals have been saved from exticntion by clubs (the humble shire horse for one). Those choosing to stay away limit themselves... no viable genes as we see here with tiny, and his outcross to a bull terrier are they Plummers? Nope sorry mate but they arent plummers. Wa
  24. The throughbred studbook goesback to early 1700s you arent quite that well established yet(just messin)- yeah id make her 9/16 bull.I had to make a 250 mile round trip to use phils dog-only found him as his dog had got up on his neighbours lakeland and i rang them to enquire which parent was the plummer as i was looking for a stud.anyhow they put me on to him-nice fella-ive lost his contact details as i lost my phone not long after the mating.out of 4 pups 2 died ,one tri coluor dog who was stolen at 11 months and"cody" the bitch in my arms in the above picture is my only "pure" bred plummer
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