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Everything posted by david31

  1. ive got 2 female ferrit in season and 1 male. he cant keep up. can someone please in the Accrington/church area lend me a male. for a few days.

    1. Kay


      best thing to do is remove the male if the jills are not ready they will give him the run around .. all that results in is sore necks ... put the hob in with one jill at a time ... when she is ready to accept his advances she will lay down & allow him to mate with her..

  2. how can i sell my sulki puppies on here

    1. spazzy paddy

      spazzy paddy

      you have to become a donator to the site.

  3. how can i sell my sulki puppies on here

  4. how can i sell my sulki puppies on here

  5. my ferret wont come into sesion and i dont know why

    1. Kay


      have you had it from a kit & how old is it now

    2. david31


      she is 1 got her from 4 mouths old

  6. no she just does not come into sesaon at all
  7. ive got a 12 mouth old jill, she a been ragged around loads of times by my hob, she does not seem to get pregant at all or even come in season,please could u explain to us why nothing is happening thanks
  8. we dont know [bANNED TEXT] to do to get them walkin mate

  9. ive got ferrets that cant walk can anyone help me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. craiglovesstacie


      mine r walking and mine r 7 weeks

    3. CarraghsGem


      sad to say they sound like culls. maybe a genetic defect like swimmers? are their legs splayed either side of their bodys? when they move do they look like they are swimming?

    4. CarraghsGem


      or maybe even a vitamin deficiancy is the cause?

  10. please can any one help we have 2 10 week old ferrets that cant walk yet, can u offer any advice how we can get them walkin plzzzz
  11. where can i get pet insurance bfor my pitbull we have been lookin for hours x its harder than we thought

  12. ive a 3half year old jack russel male how can i stop him from barkin x try he keeps tryin to do things with my cat too
  13. ive got a staff some as rang the police sayin she is a pit, they have taken pics of her now waitin for the pone call. is there any advice u could give us, about it plz,this is a pic of her too,
  14. the thing is she is a staff not a pit x staff are not illegal read the doglaw lol

  15. am lookin for a ferret in the lancshire area a young one have you got any ideas where i could look for one
  16. ive just put a pic of her on my profile if u would like to have a look mate

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