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Everything posted by koda

  1. eye mine does rats single handed
  2. well i can vouch for you b.p.r top bloke
  3. Baikel mp153 strongest gun there is look it up on youtube with the man putting mud all over it
  4. koda

    Pure Evil

    i have a daughters 12 and 13 and if that chap was in this country he would be trottled.we have a name for men like that f%*£ing pervert.
  5. im thinking of doing the opposite i never go for deer but ive been asked to do some foxing and im thinking 243 ott
  6. well i ve never used a stapler and the missus is nt to keen on them but im going to get one and if i ever get a smallish wound i will give it a go .is there no link anywere to show us how to use them?
  7. well i have to be honest i dont read much,or anything but i think ill buy this and give it ago
  8. sounds ok ,good excercise im going to start taking my pup out ill be on the mountain bike and he can have a trot behind
  9. i bought a dog from ireland a couple of years ago and used a dog transporter and was impressed at the price
  10. will do j dog ill let you no when he makes his first leap.
  11. looking good j dog mine has nt shown any urge to jump ive been trying him im not going to push it ive got time.
  12. scum bags whats the f@@k is up with these people
  13. as stated above im looking for some seat covers prefably back as well,heavy duty waterproof type does nt matter if they used or not .or if anyone can point me in the right direction for any sensably priced new ones.thanks in advance
  14. very nice and a good jumper hes gonna be a good un
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