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Everything posted by koda

  1. get off your high horse was i complaining got a lorry load of mowers thought he might of wanted one I need a mower what you got
  2. well said tintin his dog must nt shit in his kennel must have a toilet instead
  3. they look belters mate credit to you
  4. koda

    Hgv Driver's

    I can get you a contact but its in Newcastle I work mostly nights and there wanting people
  5. koda

    Hgv Driver's

    its drivers competing against other drivers ie contract prices that have knackered the job every one cutting each other down to get the job
  6. koda

    Hgv Driver's

    Lorry drivers are only professional when it goes Tits up
  7. My old man's there now hrs took my two girls
  8. koda

    Paki Scum

    I hope he gets the jail he deserves and his fellow inmates are as enraged as we are .
  9. most cobles were from Northumberland were from amble
  11. ive just put a tanking typerender over my brickwork but you can use it anywhere.its called slurry tanking totally impervious to water etc
  12. a grand each for my two girls garage conversion into living room and I would nt have any change from that
  13. Ive got a 8 shot vinchi its a excellent gun
  14. eye I asked ages ago and it just appeared as my chosen username
  15. when I joined this forum I quickly made up a username which was ok for that time but now ive had more time I ve changed it to koda more fitting for anyone who knows me cheers koda
  16. sorry for your loss she looked like a lovely bitch .at least she died doing what she loved at work
  17. you want to see him whip a paracord game carrier up
  18. there good pics what sort of phone are you using I like the sound of the quickfire mode
  19. good photo that the other kids look amazed
  20. Ive just made mine out of blocks but I had to spend more time and money with the drainage , I must admit its went way over buget but what can you do yove got to finish what you started, I lined it out with recycled plastic pannels that someone put a libk up off this site they are good and cheaper than wood or ply.
  21. well done socks ,and whats a poxy 90 quid it s nowt realy would nt get you a pair of boots these days good on you
  22. does anyone no what odds the bookies are offering
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