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About will997

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. best bet to take it to a pet shop you MIGHT kill there but i doubt it
  2. well that ill looking black bag of shit never caught that ur a liar and a fool get a dog that can catch because that dog aint worth the food it eats
  3. u seem like a real din u dont even no wat ur talking about
  4. granted this flo dog has caught a rabbit with mixy and it does flo like cum off a whores back
  5. stop talkingt out ur backside u dont own a gun or a dog apart from ur girlfriend
  6. i've seen this dog at 14 months true to what people say about hancock lurchers it's a fooking jacker not worth the food it eats... din
  7. a saluki grey is a no no for a first imho pain in the arse to train i'd go bull x whippet would have been my choice but i got a saluki lumped on me by a mate who had to take a holiday at her majesty's pleasure lol hope all goes well with the dog mate i'd go out with people you know with different breeds and see which type suits your needs best
  8. I recently fitted an ox spring to my cometa 300 and apart from f**king the consistency it did nothing. and to make matters worse it snapped after about 1000 shots . when buying the ox spring I noticed the bsa meteor takes the same one would the same apply for a theoben gas ram as i have recently fitted one to my backup gun (now main gun courtesy of OX)any help would be appreciated many thanks Will
  9. yer it is an 8ft cheers for quick reply
  10. I have just brought a 2nd hand mk1 ferret finder and was wondering what batteries the collar takes
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