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Everything posted by markha

  1. Did you ask the landowner about the wire trap,(I wouldnt call it a snare!) as it is clearly illegal , being non free running and would not break away. Nice write up again Mole
  2. You can but ask, Although I would think your going to get a closed license as do most applicants who are new to firearms.
  3. Congratulations mate Im chuffed for you.
  4. The bible: BFTA-Parallax correction Nightforce: Nightforce
  5. 27ftlbs oh and nice gun Roger Zero it at 40m mate and your going to be good to about 100m on your 5th mildot/reticle post! Happy hunting with that very nice bit of kit you now have
  6. Two top tips onthis problem: 1/ Dont over tighten the barrel band allen bolts as what will happens is that they will screw right into the thread of the filling port cover and lock themselves tight!! 2/ Get a big piece of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle of it, put this up as a target 5m away and adjust the windage untill you are pellet on pellet on the line. Next, move the target out to 45m and shoot at the line again, it doesnt matter if the point of impact POI is lower, as all we are checking is whether the barrel is sitting in the same line as the scope. If it is your
  7. IM sure I have heard a lot of people using the nighteater scopes, something about the eye bell that works well with getting the whole set up focused properly, there will be more informed members here to help you out, im sure.
  8. Havent welcomed anyone in a while, so, Welcome to THL mate. Its a very good bunch across the board, you will get lots of sensible answers to any questions you may have. atb Mark
  9. A fantastic write up, sp given mate, gutted for Andy I hope it can be fixed. Again, cracking shooting lads.
  10. My loved H&N FTT , so a good place to start. Very accurate gun, but boy was it hold sensitive. Mine is still in the gun shop from last year when I traded it in against my 410, if its still there in another years time I think Ill buy it back!
  11. Maybe Neil is home loading with hot rounds, so ambient temps effect the load if used in summer or winter, thats the only thing I can think of, well in its simplest terms anyway. If you spoke to some trained marksmen/long range target shooters, you would hear a lot about air temp, air density, barometric pressure and shooting at different altitudes, all of this has an effect on the trajectory of a given bullet weight and powder weight, plus the burn speed of the powder etc etc. But for normal hunting ranges/kill zone size? I dont know. As Neil is only up the road from me, he is more than w
  12. I have had this happen before when out lamping in misty air, water dropplets built up on the lenses. RainX
  13. Dont trust the gauge on the gun, trust the gauge on the filling bottle only Fill your filling tank back up.
  14. Oakster - For full information on filling out application forms look in the 2 sticky topics in this section, one is for FAC applications and one is for Shotgun Applications. All the info is on there.
  15. Is it just the wolf moon causing this spate of air gun incidents, there has been absolutely no press on airgun crime for a very long time. Then all of a sudden there is a spate of high profile incidents, cole is a wanker and should have been prosecuted, I bet if he was a retured footballer he would have been. The group in Scotland then these idiots. Strange things happen when there is a fight going on at government level regarding airgun laws and devolution to Scotland ( there arent always such things happening that can be put under the heading of'coincidences') And on that note,
  16. And all this from someone who has 24yrs of shooting experience
  17. Decide what you want it for, clays, rough shooting, crows, bunnies, pigeons etc. In its simplest: clay guns tend to have slightly heaver, slightly longer barrels,32", not always good for a day walking round fields. 'sporters' tend to be a bit lighter with shorter barrels 26" - 28" good for a day walking round fields semi autos - great for pigeons, rabbits, crows etc, good field gun I dont want to get in to anything about whether over and under or side by side is the best, ita all a bit of a muchness really. semi-autos on a clay or game shoot gets frowned on as its deemed n
  18. mate, you added yourself the other week then you dissappeared form the list mate, strange.

    Your welcome, new rifle soon then :)

  19. Its all here mate http://www.airgunbuyer.com/subcat.asp?cat=Charging Eqpmt. PLus I have a brand new 12.2lt cylinder for sale £110 collected, you just need a £45 gauge and hose form the MDF section.
  20. I must admit, even though I own a very good rifle, I too have been drawn towards the R10 and find myself trawling the internet for the best deals!!!!!! Thing is, I just cant seem to 'find a need' to get one.
  21. I would just sell as a pup, your not going to get much more for a part trained cross breed.
  22. A nice write up Ron, it was also my 'intention' to get out early this morning, just never happened though, so another day of office work. Tomorrow will be an early start for definite, got some crows to drop.
  23. Thats a wounder mate, one door closes another opens
  24. Nice one Wurz and the Diana looks a cracking bit of classic design with Mauser styling, I really do like the full length stock mate. Get some pics up when you've got it.
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