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Everything posted by markha

  1. What is your end use for the kit?
  2. Enjoy your new toy, it will be good for target and for daytime hunting.
  3. Nice one mate, I remember you moaning about keeping the boot of your jeep clean and then using your misses spare curtains? Still using them I see Nice job and nice to be able to wind up fat dog walkers with their fat dogs, Its a shame for the dogs. I saw a guy on the coastal path a few days ago, he was a slacked jawwed hillbilly from the Wirral and must have weighed 20 stone even in his MUFC shirt and bermuda shorts, mate he had so many wrinkles of blubber on the back of his neck alone The when his dog came past I wasnt too shocked as Im sure it was a labrador at birth but now looked li
  4. At the end of the day its whatever works to keep things running smoothly in the areas you live and shoot in. I dont know of anyone in the areas I shoot over, and thats a big area, that calls the police to give them a heads up. I could understand in other areas of the country where there is a lot of illegal hunting activity close to densly populated areas, and a call to the police is neither wasting their time or yours. I do however text one of the local shoot owners If im shooting near his pens, so that he knows its me and doesn't waste hours and diesel driving round thinking someone is poac
  5. I have a Wildcat Predator 8 for sale, its quieter and lighter than the T8. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/215123-wildcat-predator-8-mod-for-sale/
  6. It can take a long time to get written permission to shoot over land and as such permission to shoot is very coveted. If this situation had happened to me with a guest I had taken out I would have been just as pissed off and see it in the same light as most people on here, as a bit of a snide and you would have been repaid by 'snide karma' Some comments were made about poachers and dogs also on the same land, who gives a toss, they may well be there without permission and are trespassing so drawing a comparisson about other being there as well is not clever. 'Snide Karma' will probably
  7. I bought a Remington 700 Police second hand, most hunting rifles have only had a small amount of rounds down the tube so worrying about a worn barrel is not worth losing sleep over as it takes many thousands of rounds before wear occurs. Wilcat Pred 8 is a good mod, just make sure you get the correct size for your bore, and get the longest baffle stack otherwise you will be dissapointed with the sound attenuation, the standard ones are still quiet loud even from behind the gun. They are a heavy moderator. Dont be stuck on Zeiss scopes, Leupold also make some very good glass for the same m
  8. As above, get it shortened, measurements of a barrel are the barrel incuding the throat. As above, twist unaffected unless your barrel is chopped shorter than the twist rate so even if its one revolution of rifling in 9" you could still have a barrel of 9" to keep the twist, or 12" or whatever etc. Get a recessed crown done and rethread for mod, job done and enjoy
  9. Love my Remmy 700 .223 and use both Remington Accutip in 55gr and Winchester ballistic silvertip 55grvarmints both group extremely well, 1/2" at 100m all day long and around 1.5" at 200m on a day with little wind. In variable winds of 5-10mph I was getting 3" groups at 260m on paper the other day. Cost of ammo by me is £30 for 20 Accutips and £28 for 20 Winchesters. I have toy'd with the idea of trying the £20 for 20 Federal V-shock tactical 69gr for some 'out of the box' longer range munition as I dont reload, havent got the time and my rifle has a 1:9 twist so can spin some heavier bu
  10. thats a lot of foxes, I heard one of the shoots round here had taken around foxes or so this season.
  11. Went over to one of my coastal permission yesterday for a stalk arond as the grass had just been cut and reports of pigeons on clover and rabbits in the sun sounded good. Well it was a couldy windy day and only spotted one rabbit, tokk the shot and all was good untill i got close to it and saw all of this, I guess myxoma is back again or this was a kit from a batch that had mixxy last October:
  12. 'Tofer Im not far from Bangor North Wales and have replied to your PM.
  13. As far as Im aware, because this has a proof stamp it is considered to be part of a firearm, also this then fills a slot on my FAC and now has to be accounted for when sold. As the current system requires the buyer to then inform their local firearms department of their purchase of my moderator and they did not hold a FAC then I think there would be a big problem for me and for the buyer. In short a proofed moderator that is 'on your ticket' can only then be sold to someone with a ticket that has a slot free for a moderator for each particular calibre of rifle stated on the ticket. So
  14. NOW SOLD Hi all, Im selling a surplus to requirements Wildcat Predator 8 proofed for up to .243 with a 5/8" thread and a collet to fit barrels up to 21.5mm o/d. Its in good condition internally and has the odd scratch on the case, but apart from that its in perfect working condition. £160ono FAC holders only https://picasaweb.go...876794422540834 https://picasaweb.go...876940391958818 https://picasaweb.go...876908629818402
  15. Nice one Jake, its good to see your still out and about, I know a few months back it wasnt all roses in your life and things were a bit bleak, keep up the hunting mate, did you get any Joy with the new managment of the Bodnant shoot? Wasnt it that little arse of an irish guy who ran it last time? Joball, leave the kid alone, hes been on here a bit longer than you and just becuase he hasnt got a high post count doenst mean he doesnt get out there and hunt as he does.
  16. Had one and sold it, Got a Twink on mine and its the mutts nuts, do a search for A&M Gunsmiths, just my tuppence worth. Bangbang, nice stock and how do you find your scope in low light?? interested to hear as looking for some more glass.
  17. Unbelievable question and unbelievable actions, sort yourself out mate, having alcohol in charge of any gun, airgun, pea shooter or plastic imitation is foolhardy as are the landlords of your pub. If you read even just one of the mainstream shooting magazines or any of the latest forum postings on the internet you would have hear about the gamekeeper in Scotland who has just had all his firearms and licence taken off him and he has also been suspended by the estate that employs him after police found him asleep in his own home with his guns not in his gun safe, now the mitigating facts are
  18. Theres a game processing factory in Shropshire that pays £1.10 per rabbit in the fur and £0.40p per pigeon. They will also collect rabbits free of charge if there is a minimum of 100 at a time, they also have plenty of collections up and down the country, Mid-shire foods
  19. As above if it mentions land deemed suitable by chief of police then its a closed licence. You could send it back in a years time to apply for an open licence after gaining some experience with your rifles. Welcome to rimfire world
  20. Yep ring your firearms department and give them the postcode of the land or the name of the farm etc then they can jusy look it up on the FLIMSY database.
  21. Nice work and good look with your FAC application. I still go out with my air rifle and enjoy the stalk to close range, its all too easy to sit out with hmr or 223 and pick them off from a long way off.
  22. SW there are some very good apps to buy, the free ones are very limited and I used a few which basically didnt work and kept hanging, been getting on very well with Gunsim and it seems Tegater is more than happy with 'Shooter'. What am I using in my hmr? Hornady 17gr V-Max all the way mate, super accurate and I can honestly say I get less than 1/2" groups at 100m and then when stepping up to 170m it opens out to around 1.8" as an average, I have tried out to 250m and got a more open grouping of around 3.5" and this on a day with variable gusts of wind to 8mph, so not bad at all. I know
  23. It just so happens that I have a Wildcat Predator 8 for sale shortly and its proofed for 243, threaded for 5/8" but as mentioned above, you can strip them and swap all parts. Its in very good clean condition and pretty quiet too
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