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Everything posted by cocker

  1. hi i have sent you a pm,,, thanks cocker
  2. aye a bit of knuckle on that picture i think she was only 9 months old there though.
  3. i dont think its the show type really
  4. shaddow with all due respect mate i would give you her for free if i had any problems in my life which meant i couldnt have a dog, and that is a promise, i have all sorts of shit in my life including divorce, loss of jobs, and houses, and 12 prison sentences, but that dog will never ever ever be offered for sale, never ever, but if i die she,s yours mate, for free, all the best cocker
  5. hi i bought one of the pups off shaddow out of his bitch annie, out her last litter, my bitch pup off annie is nearly 11 months old, i am 47 years old and have been running dogs for 37 years and have never been out of the game, i think i know right from wrong and good from bad, the pup i bought has only had 5 slips on them big ears, and killed the first four single handed, (all on seperate days just recently) in front of witnesses, the 5th one made it to a wood and got away. shaddow if you breed that bitch again i want to buy another pup, ((and for the record for those who do not kn
  6. If everyone had that attitude we'd only have collie x's "no we wouldnt"
  7. what are they going to do, that the tried and tested crosses that we already have, cant do???????????? and how come there so expensive??? i think some people are just trying to breed the most rediculous crosses
  8. hi mate, i know that bitch meant a lot to you mate, this is bad news , ive been there myself, the only one consolation i can say at this moment is that you will ALWAYS have good memories of cassie. cocker
  9. less exercise feed on tripe for a few days each week
  10. i remember lockharts lurchers herne bay kent, always advertised every week in them old red exchange and mart paper, thats going back a few years now, i would say 30 years or more at least. i never had one or i dont know anyone who did, however when i often did wonder what they were like. there was always loads of lurchers for sale back then, cocker
  11. RADIOL m. r. muscle embrocation, £7.99 for 500ml bottle, you can get it from most horse shops (its for dogs or horses) i saw people using it at various coursing clubs / meetings in the past, and have used it myself for the last 10 years or so,( mostly on whippets) and it works absolutley spot on, cocker
  12. sounds as though he is a bit keen at the moment, try to slip him on easy rabbits what he can catch and return to you easily, then work back up from there. cocker
  13. Dont most sheep get spooked as soon as you get into a field with a dog ????? they do mate yes but like i said a yapping dog is only gonna make them worse, isnt it
  14. the other thing is if like me you hunt where there are sheep, and you have a dog what yaps or barks, and it spooks the sheep, well thats just no good at all. its gonna cause problems.
  15. need to see some better pics please
  16. i prefer them not to give tongue, as i dont have any permission, and i dont want to get caught just because my dogs yap, and alert the wrong people,
  17. feed him twice a day as long as he is growing, then feed him once a day once he has finished growing, if you think about it if you feed him twice a day he wont often be hungry so he might not actually need to eat as much, if you only feed him once a day he will be more hungry after 24 hours have passed and he will eat his food much more keenly, and maybe eat a bit more than what he is getting now, i dont think he will lose condition, i feed mine as much as they can eat in one go, once a day, any food left over after 10 or 20 minutes gets removed from the kennel, if you stick to feeding at a re
  18. i was just going to say exactly the same thing some of them saluki crosses are very suspitious of strangers and make good guard dogs,
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