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Everything posted by cocker

  1. thanks mate, aye there all sold, the cream one was sold 3 weeks before she was even born,
  2. thats right mate its a good time of year for rearing pups,
  3. update pictures of the saluki pups for the lads who have bought them, these pictures were taken at 3 weeks and 3 days old.
  4. about a 20 foot walk out of my back door and your straight on it,
  5. as good as they get mate, and a fair price too.
  6. i once had a 22" first cross border collie greyhound bitch, that would get over the fencing around tennis courts, i dont know how high that is but she jumped/scrambled over that for fun,
  7. pay someone else to do him while you are away
  8. its a fact that changes in the pattern of land use have not been helpful to hares. Autumn sown cereal crops show better yields than those sown in the spring owing to the longer growing season available before harvest. More winter cereals are planted than ever before, so whilst hares have an abundant food supply between November and February, the plants then become unpalatable. In the absence of spring sown crops hares then suffer a food shortage at the very time when their energy needs are greatest - at the height of there breeding season cocker
  9. last time i was up there (before the ban) i was with P S, there were so many hares about that the keepers told us they wanted to catch as many as we realistically could, it was in the February and a nice fine clear morning, we caught 27 blue hares easily with 3 salukis, (all given fair law no kickups) we could have carried on and caught more but decided we didnt want to, its no fun slaughtering them, i think we were only on that moor for about 4 or 5 hours, and that included stopping for a brew and a bite to eat. beautiful scenery and a memorable day out though
  10. she,s a nice looker, all the best with her
  11. from my experience dogs that are like this at 12 months are just going to get worse not better
  12. ive owned bull crosses like the one your talking about and in my experience they get worse, not better.
  13. i bet a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull mated to a pure saluki, then x with a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull would be a usefull dog, 9 /16ths greyhound 4 /16ths saluki 3 /16ths bull 26 inch dog would do me nicely
  14. with great difficulty if you tried to do it from scratch, it would be a 1st cross bull greyhound mated to a pure saluki x first cross bull greyhound cocker
  15. pm me price and location
  16. nice bit of sun on saluki pups backs this morning (just for 10 minutes)
  17. large green fibreglass bath 31x4 cost new £40 accept £25 brand new noble bells 1 pair of medium cost new £24 accept £12 brand new larry counce equator bells 2 pairs, each pair cost £22 accept £11 per pair, deluxe heavyweight bow perch portable/static weighs 10.5 kg cost new £125 accept £ you can check out the spec on this gear on the IBR website, where i bought it from large ben long khan deluxe glove with tassle cost new £57 accept £30 ben long hawking bag cost new £29 accept £15 ben long shoulder strap for the above bag cost new £19.50 accept £10 ben long leather
  18. a very very good friend of mine, a man who i respect highly, a man who has kept running dogs for 60 years, and who still works his dogs, who lives smack bang in the middle of the fens and has done so for the last 30 years, and has seen most of the good dogs run, and associate's with a lot of the match lads, and who attended a lot of the big matches/meetings over the years, and so consequently knows a good dog when he see,s one, has a bitch by khan out of queen nellie, he rates it very highly, i saw it run, a few times, she is an impressive bitch to watch, with superb temperament, to boot.
  19. she,s a lovely looking bitch, mate, cocker
  20. hi collie/grey, oh i dont know, i can just pick em out, i hope your pups are coming on nicely, ime sure they will be Well i have picked out two but can't decide on which one They are growing by the minute, always seem to be suckling the poor bitch aye your right they dont half take it out of the bitch it will soon come round though, that they will have a bit of food and puppy milk out of a bowl,
  21. hi collie/grey, oh i dont know, i can just pick em out, i hope your pups are coming on nicely, ime sure they will be
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