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Everything posted by cocker

  1. i used to go to pland stainless in leeds, they make the best gear you can buy
  2. very good result, just goes to show the line is still producing top stuff, that can prove itself in the field, well done fly, and owner, and also what a cracking dog the sire to this bitch is, scout is still working today and still producing the goods.
  3. the first one i owned i bought was at lambourne lurcher show of some fella, that was in 1980, lambourne was stopped in 1981 by thames valley police and berkshire council, £70 i paid for it, a smooth coated red bitch,
  4. hope it can run as good as it looks cause looks dont kill hares nice them two, how old ? about 15 months ?
  5. shavings on the base of the floor, then a bale of good clean dry straw, in each kennel, clean em out once a week.
  6. hang on lets look at it from a different angle RE : Had a couple of lads from Wales up today for a days coursing and one of the guys had a lovely 10 month old bitch pup with him that was predominantly bedlington blood ferreting dog. Now this youngster was a lovely looking animal and when it was on the game it was fairly steady respected the long slips and was mindfull of the quarry and was nice and sharp with a very good strike. BUT throuought the day the dog would lose ground pull up and just sniff about, . The young bitch would also stay just out of reach of the quarry and it quickly
  7. you will struggle to get an adult saluki bitch. theres not many about even if you have got £££. even if you did get one you might have to wait a year for it to come in season, (if it comes in season) sometimes they don't pass the pups very easy, and need a caesarian which is £600. theres no short cuts really, if your committed the best thing to do is buy a saluki bitch pup, for £350/£450 bring it up like a lurcher, for 3 years or more, and if it catches the stuff you want successfully, then start your first x line from there.
  8. i hope it all goes back to the way things wher butt i very mutch dowt it he is talking to john craven he is judge jurer and exacutioner bigest knob out ther aye john cravens a c@nt
  9. the fact that there will be a vote to repeal the ban, is better than nothing at all happening.
  10. sire to pup, karlsbergs "scout" my pup yeah mate he starting to look like scout, he,s coming on a treat. buddy x sonia yeah she's, a solid bitch, hope she takes after her mam
  11. hello mate, if you still have the wood, let me know, and will it fit in the back of a small van ? ime not far from you.
  12. Can you imagine working for a company that only has a little more than 635 employees, but has the following employee statistics... 29 have been accused of spouse abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 9 have been accused of writing bad cheques ... 17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses 3 have done time for assault 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges 8 have been arrested for shoplifting 21 are currently defendants in criminal lawsuits 84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year and colle
  13. i like milbemax, the newer chewable ones are best. pet drugs online £1.09 each vets round here charge nearly £6.00 each, (if i remember right)
  14. £350-£900 for a pup, i knew of a good litter 2 yrs ago £1000 a pup
  15. stephen fry is a homosexual and had spent three months in prison for credit card fraud, yet we are expected to accept him, ? well i don't.....................
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