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Everything posted by cocker

  1. slaughter house at carnaby on the industrial estate :thumbs: The Abattoir, Lancaster Rd., Carnaby, Bridlington East Yorkshire Y015 3QY England.
  2. the bad points will outweigh the good points mate, better off just making up your own "barf" dog food, from stuff you can source locally and cheaply, mixed with a bit of dry complete dog food.
  3. nice dogs mate all look very "typey"
  4. theres plenty of stuff you can do like the lads above mention, but to be straight, salukis and saluki types can often be just cry babies full stop, the best way i have found is to keep them mentally stimulated but also physically tire them out through the day so come night time all they want to do is sleep,, salukis and saluki types don't like being left alone and get bored very easily, its just how most of them are.
  5. cheers mate, just starting to get them fit, steady away, from today, they be ready in 3 to 4 weeks, it will probably be about 10 days or so before the fields are all cut,
  6. yeah coppers like to cook there police dogs,s in the back of there vans on red hot summers days
  7. I've always believed in minding my own business, but the latest craze around here, over the last 2 years has been getting the subaru stuck then setting fire to it where its stuck, i think thats going a bit too far,
  8. uphilldoc i like hoss, whats in the breeding to create a dog as strong looking as him ?
  9. arthur carter, magloc quick release
  10. good luck with your new pups gorger, ps i can't speak to F as i don't know where he is now, i think he's doing an 8 stretch.
  11. yes how was storm bred cocker BENJI X SALUKI WHIPPET GREYHOUND thats storm on the left and scout on the right
  12. he was just a pup on these pics probably about 5 or 6 months old, this is when F had him scout x storm
  13. hello gorger, would this be the pup you mention, ???thats the pup that F had before he went on his holidays, ??
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