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Everything posted by cocker

  1. COCKER CRACKING DOWN ON POLICE PAEDOPHILES THINGS AS HOT AS EVER ANOTHER SERIOUSLY BENT COPPER A FORMER director of the body which runs the Great Yorkshire Show was jailed for two-and-a-half years today after a stash of images showing horrific sexual abuse of young boys was found at his home. Police discovered the images on two computers at the home of ex-policeman Charles Littleboy in Howe, Thirsk, North Yorkshire. He pleaded guilty last month to 11 counts of making indecent images of children, four counts of distributing indecent images of children, five counts of poss
  2. hi the receivers are 590 but they hold there price, marshall telemetry the best there is globally, you could sell the reciever after 4 or 5 years you will still sell it for 400 ish easy. ps there is a lot lot more to tracking gear than just sticking it on a dog or bird and thinking everything is safe, cos its not, its fairly technical gear, you need to learn how to use it properly, BEFORE, you lose a bird or a dog, (its not a simple as ferret locater or anything like that) ps if its gear that you need and want its not that expensive really, ferreting sets cost a couple of hundr
  3. THIS IS THE BEST BY FAR DOG COLLARS Field Marshall Digital Tracking Receiver (((((left link for collars right link for receivers)))))
  4. nice pup some good stuff in its make up, should be a very useful thing later
  5. No it is not all doom and gloom. It is not illegal to go lamping for rabbits or to take them in daylight. It is illegal to run a hare with more than one dog and to take them at night. Whoever has started this thread is not giving ALL the relevent information. If stopped, write down the collar numbers of each police officer and make notes of what exactly is happening, with times. They cannot prevent you from doing this unless they arrest you - for which you would need to have committed a cime, not just be suspected of it. At the end of the matter, the police are responsibl for the condition
  6. i like to have a walk over "strines moor" now and again
  7. khan jihad x Anya of the nile (annie) = alfie
  8. if your being specific as that hancocks your man
  9. lamb flap. and skinners field and trial. plenty of water.
  10. Did you know snoops dog is direct out of buddy because just a couple of days ago you was running that breed down :thumbs:
  11. i like the gentle approach with pups, although i always keep them kennelled outside, never in the house. a big part of the problem in your case, is the type of breeding your pup is, from my own experience and friends experience saluki whippet greyhound types are more often than not,noisy whining sorts when not getting the owners attention, your pup will settle in eventually but it might take 3 years.
  12. the title says decent vet in north yorkshire. north yorkshire is the biggest county in the country. you need to be more specific about how far you want to travel . "PAL"????? like i said you got 6000 square miles to go at
  13. theres about 107 different veterinary practices in north yorkshire, take your pick
  14. years ago we used to go in our local pub, and the copper used to come over to where we would be sat, he would come over all proper smart arse, telling us he would catch us out with the dogs, and how he was going to get us a conviction, said always said he didnt like dog lads, we were all thieves on the dole, he was off duty and we used to tell him to F@ck off, he said stuff like every time he sees us out in the car he would pull us, and get everything checked out, look where he is now the daft tw@t
  15. Former Great Yorkshire Show boss jailed for filming a man having ... he films his mate f@cking animals
  16. PLEASE READ THIS PLEASE READ THIS this man arrested me for walking a lurcher, said i was trespassing in pursuit of game, i was coming off permission actually Former Great Yorkshire Show boss jailed for filming a man having ... HE GOT JAIL FOR FILMING HIS MATE F@CK A HORSE
  17. this is a local copper who arrested us once and tried to get us convicted for trespassing in pursuit of game, Former policeman admits charges of extreme porn (From The ...
  18. i've had 2 that never yapped, maloneys roxy never yapped, her litter sis tina never yapped her litter bro tiger never yapped and her other bro sam never yapped, me mate has a tool of a dog out of him that dont yap, mate has a bitch out of him to a smokey dancer bitch that dont yap...........old judy gave odd yips when she wasn't fit and me mates bitch give odd yap when not fit so 2 from all them isn't bad...........maybe the ones you seen were off bad stocksman paul greves buddy stuff yap,they kill the hares but they yap,the others ive seen yap and its not the stock men,ive heard of others ya
  19. There all nice pups, but the top cream one would be the one for me.
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