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Everything posted by cocker

  1. give her some lamb flap, and a bit of beast tripe, on top of what you are already feeding her that will put weight on salukis or whippets or saluki whippet crosses, in a matter of days
  2. My dogs will jump ANYTHING you're likely to come across in the fields easily and with confidence no excuses, their straight over, i wouldn't have a dog what "won't" jump. i cant think of many worse vices, except barking and pulling up. there meant to be working dogs, why wrap them up in cotton wool when you can go and buy a chihuahua
  3. good old days, who can remember when coursing dates, and coursing results were published in the newspapers, (it really wasnt so long ago, although it seems like it)
  4. used to go and watch the coursing here too, this land is only 20 min from my house aswell,, it used to be good land but now its just about wiped out to what it once was,
  5. aye I can remember one meet i went to around Thirsk, proberbly early 80s, i think it was Yorkshire running against Ireland, i saw about 70 Hares ran that day and only around 3 or 4 hares were caught, the hares were preserved on the land for coursing, now theres a ban on coursing i bet theres very few now, a good example of how hunting can be good for our wildlife, buster. hello mate, i live at thirsk, and i used to go and watch the coursing on that land, I've got friends who live on that land now, and i have a walk on that land most weeks it doesn't matter if you walk during the day
  6. I can remember one meet i went to around Thirsk, proberbly early 80s, i think it was Yorkshire running against Ireland, i saw about 70 Hares ran that day and only around 3 or 4 hares were caught, the hares were preserved on the land for coursing, now theres a ban on coursing i bet theres very few now, a good example of how hunting can be good for our wildlife, buster. hello mate, i live at thirsk, and i used to go and watch the coursing on that land, I've got friends who live on that land now, and i have a walk on that land most weeks it doesn't matter if you walk during the day or go l
  7. 3am a car upside down in the field, about 100yds from the road with a body covered in blood
  8. Rolf Harris Questioned in Connection to Savile Case | Pakalert Press
  9. you usually only go to crown for an appeal, after conviction from magistrates for offences like this. it usually wont go straight to crown, and appealing is dodgy if you get the wrong judge your f@cked and might end up with amongst other penalties a 6 monther up your arse, its difficult
  10. from 1 day old, broiler chickens are only kept for 34 days old, before slaughter they are fed on a diet to make them 2.2 kilos at 34 days old, resulting in birds that are unable to stand. and this is approved by rspca freedom foods
  11. FREEDOM OF SPEECH Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and exp ression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers good link for looking at more rspca wrong doing WSPA
  12. FREEDOM OF SPEECH Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and exp ression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers 'Captive bolts are not used for euthanasia of dogs in WSPA projects, and not listed as an acceptable method for euthanasia in the WSPA guidance (on the International Companion Animal Management'
  13. FREEDOM OF SPEECH Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and exp ression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers THE RSPCA THOUGHT IT WAS OK TO KILL 10 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS WITH A SLAUGHTERMANS CAPTIVE BOLT GUN RSPCA puts down 10 German Shepherds with bolt gun - Telegraph
  14. FREEDOM OF SPEECH Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and exp ression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers the thing is with the rspca they are a charity, they are 1 charity of 170,905 charities based in the UK alone,the list is dominated by major health charities, such as Cancer Research UK and MacMillan; global development groups Save the Children, Oxfam and the British
  15. FREEDOM OF SPEECH Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and exp ression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers It would be hard to think of a charity that stirs more controversy than the RSPCA. Whole websites are dedicated to it, smarting with injustice, bristling fur balls of virtual rage. The webmasters are not frustrated badger-baiters, dog-eaters or seal-clubbers thir
  16. dont knock about with A person that purposely gossips or tells information about people in order to get them in trouble and gets pleasure out of seeing someone's secrets become exposed in a way that ruins their reputation or makes them look bad.
  17. books are a good investment, i like books, hare and swift hound is a top quality book
  18. omc isn't a peddler, that megan bitch doesn't belong to him, i was with him when he put fuel in the car and he drove a 340 miles round trip, to collect the bitch from the owner, that was way back at the end of august 2012, he and his family have looked after that bitch since last august until only 2 weeks ago when he returned her and her pups, he's looked after the bitch for 4 months and reared the pups at his own expense, omc his wife and children have socialised these pups for weeks, then he took the bitch and pups back down to Cambridge for the owner, again a 340 miles round trip and a
  19. i like to give them a bit of variation i give mine alpine mineral water highland stream water canada dry water indian tonic water perrier water yorkshire terrier water holy water virginia water southend on sea sea water ropy water soapy water dishwater fish water evaporated water condensed water soda water distilled water rich water water on the knees rain water water on the rocks boiled water cold water toilet water severn water dirty water murky water old water and puddle water
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